Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, July 06, 2008


is this what 'normal' feels like???

im on day 7 of being gluten free, my suppliments are kicking in and my medication is settling down, i feel great! i have energy, i have motivation, nothing is 'too hard' and im coping SO much better than i have for a long time.

DH is loving coming home to have a happy smiling wife greet him, the kids are happier and im just breezing through life, its great! ive noticed over the few days that i have been GF that im not tired during the day, usually i get to 1 or 2 oclock and im exhausted and need to rest, but no more mid afternoon slump for me, long may it last!

Kaylees birthday party was Saturday, and i loved it! i enjoyed having my friends over and i loved the relaxed atmosphere of it all, Kaylee had a great time, so it was fantastic!

Monday, June 23, 2008

and more ramblings

the guilt is really getting to me today, i put Olivia down for an early sleep and crawled back into bed myself, i feel so much 'safer' in bed, even though im alone with my thoughts, i feel warm and comforted, like DH is still there.

Today i miss him, i miss him a lot and its times like these where i wish that he was home with me, just so i can have hugs and kisses whenever i need them, its just not an option though, he has no choice but to work

im not sending Kaylee to kindy today, its wet, and cold and its the perfect weather for the way im feeling, but i just cant face the 'real world' not today, i feel so guilty because of it, but i dont think i can walk out my front gate i really dont

Mum rang before and shes offered to have me go down there and stay, but again im leaving the safety of my own home and going 4 hours away to stay just scares me a little, but i will talk to DH about that tonight

i woke up this morning feeling ok, but trying to do the easy day to day stuff just completely overwhelmed me, it feels so hard, but then i ask myself 'what is hard about that?' and i cannot answer

even more ramblings...

excuse me while i ramble a bit......

wow all your support amazes me, it humbles me and im blown away by the kindness of others i just feel like i dont deserve it, or shouldnt accept it, you all have SO much going on, so much more than i can even imagine, some of you have experienced things recently that noone should ever have to go through, and yet you still want to help others, im really embarressed by my other posts, it all feels a bit 'poor me' and please believe that im not like that at all, i like to hide, i like to escape into my own little mind and keep to myself, but it does help to write it all out sometimes.

i know that im sick, and im so sick of being sick, hence going to the holistic centre, i need to be well again, for myself, my kids, my husband, my friends, im just so worried that very soon everyone is going to tire of me and im going to lose everything, even the thought of that devestates me.

Darryl spoke on the ph to the oncall crisis dr last night, and he really let him know exactly how he was feeling, how sick of it all he is, how every time i start being normal again they cut my drugs, and i go downhill really fast again, and then they just take a 'wait and see' approach, we are sick of waiting, just to find out that they will increase the drugs again, we are sick of being left to our own devices and struggling every day, Darryls sick of going to work, only to have me call him crying to come home, we are self employed, we cant afford for him to come home all the time, im sick of not coping, but im still waiting for the little lightswitch to turn on in my brain making everything normal again.

ive started to explain how im feeling by saying that im in a deep dark hole and the rope that they have thrown me is just too short, this is how i feel

more ramblings...

you know sometimes it just feels like im all alone with my illness, even though the rational side of me tells me no, i have all my friends and family, the support on here and other support networks.

but noone can get into my head, noone knows what really is going on unless i tell them, but i find it so hard sometimes to put it in words, how overwhelming the depression is, how overwhelming the sense of uselessness is, how overwhelming the irritability is and the sense of being alone.

i dontknow why its so hard, it just is and every day when i wake up in the morning i wish for a good day, and when it turns to custard i cant handle it, but i cant withdraw like i would so dearly love to, i have 2 kids to look after, but then im not really looking after them am i? the tv is always on, food comes from packets, some days they dont even get dressed, they just stay in their pjs all day. its not because i cant be bothered, its because i dont know how, i dont know where to start and i get so overwhelmed that it just seems like such a giant mountain and im too unfit to climb it

my husband has started saying to me "CHOOSE to be happy hun" and "only YOU control your mind" he just doesnt understand that ive completely lost control, i have no control over day to day things, i have no control over my mind, and i just dont know how to get that control back ive been reading a lot, about depression, about changing your thoughts and ive been trying, really i have, but i need outside help, i dont know what im doing, and it feels like im doing it all wrong because its not helping my house is a dump, i cry and cry over how horrible my house is, i just dont know where to start and every time i put a dent in the mess, the next day im back to square 1, its something people always comment on, but noone helps with

i so desperatly want to be like some of you gals, beautiful healthy home, healthy kids, healthy self, tidy house, housework routine, baking, cooking, cleaning, dishes i know what needs doing, i just find it so hard to do it

people tell me to take one step at a time, one day at a time, but what step do i take first? to what path? it just all seems so hard and i dont know what to do or where to start and i hate it, i hate this illness, i hate what its done to me, i hate what its done to my friends, my family, my life, i just so desperatly want it all to go away and it just wont.

Ramblings about Depression...

well, i wish they would give me my drugs back....

ive spent the last couple of weeks in a daze, thank god i have an amazing family who have been helping me out (especially Rochelle, give the woman a medal!) im extremelly low, im not coping and im highly irritable. its really not fun.

i had my drs appt today, with a new dr, my appts just seem like a big waste of time, i met a new dr today, but it turns out hes not MY new dr and i wont get to meet the new dr for another couple of weeks, i told them im not coping, that the depression is still strong and that Kaylee has been with Rochelle, Darryl or his parents over the last few days because im not coping, and they basically said 'oh well between you and your friends and family you will have to deal with it, we wont change your meds and will call you next week for followup' its just getting ridiculous now, i mean what are they there for?? because they obviously arent there to help me become well

then my key worker rang me to give me a new appt time with the new dr and i told her that i thought the appt was a waste of my time and what are they going to do to practically help me because again i stressed that i am NOT coping, and she basically told me to give it time, it will come right.... she asked what practical things i had done in the past to come right, and i told her that ive only ever been given drugs, or respite, and its all i know, i mean its been over a year now, i think its obvious that its NOT coming right! its just all SO frustrating.

A positive though is that i went to an appointment the other day at the holistic Medical centre in Pt Chev, they want to find out what is causing the problems, rather than be a sticky plaster for the problems (or the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff) they want to get underneith everything and find out exactly what the cause is and then fix the cause, not the symptoms, FINALLY i have someone listening to me! so i came home with all kinds of vitamins and minerals and i went and had bloods done today, so will go back in a couple of weeks for another appt to go over those, so thats something positive which is nice. i just want to be normal, bubbly, funny, outgoing ME again, and when i finally felt like me again they took my drugs off me telling me i shouldnt be feeling so elevated, but mannn elevated is NICE!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

just cruisin :)

The drs decided i was doing a little toooo well, so they decided to cut my meds in half, bad idea! such a big drop and i started to really go downhill a bit so they upped them by half again, so im on 3/4 of what i was on before, seems to be going alright! for now!

i have an appointment next week at a Holistic Health Centre which im looking forward to, im going to get them to test me for intolerances, for mineral and vitamin deficiancies and have a chat with them about how they can help me manage the illness working alongside my usual drs with my usual meds.

i got another tattoo :) this one is only little, and its on the inside of my right arm, it symbolises my starsign and eventually i will get my childrens starsigns done around it.

i got my tongue peirced, again! ive had it done 3 times now, so i will endevour to keep this one in a little longer than the last ones!

Kaylee has started in swimming lessons, she absolutley loves them, in only 4 lessons she is going under the water, doggy paddling, floating on her back, jumping in off the side of the pool, its done absolutely amazing things for her confidence and im so rapt that shes doing so well and that she loves it as much as she does!

Olivia is 20mths now, where does that time go? shes so full of confidence and her comprehension is amazing, she understands so much more than we give her credit for and she is so funny to be around, she just cracks us up every day!

not much else to report really, ive just been a realllllly slack blogger lol i might get better at it one day!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

where does the time go!!!??

its been ages since i last posted, with SO much going on!!!

i ended up back in hospital (via emergancy ambulance) on Good Friday, after i lost the plot yet again, but with an increase of medication it seems that everything is stable again and im enjoying life and my kids, which is great

weight is STILL a huge issue for me, i just cannot shed it, and it does really get me down, but i try hard, i guess thats the main thing, a lot of people cant see past my weight though and i still find myself reminding them that i am still ME, between my weight and the BiPolar, they think im a different person, but im not, i havent changed, im still fun, and outgoing and ME!

but then i think, well if they cant see behind my labels to see who i really am, then are they really worth my friendship anyway? i think not!

ive been loving this summer weather, lots of BBQs, lots of wine, lots of laughs, its great!

The kids are brilliant, Kaylee adores her Kindy, and the hours on a Wednesday and Friday have extended which means that i have a little more time with Olivia too

Olivia started walking at 18mths, and you would never think she was a late walker, she just stood up one day and walked and has walked everywhere ever since, so cute!

well i started my business, still havent done the website, dont know if i actually want to, as i sell everything on trademe and have private orders come through all the time, and im actually enjoying doing it this way, keeping it little, it has the potential to be huge, but i really dont have the time for that, my kids come first, although it is nice to be in demand! havent done any sewing for yonks though, really need to get back into it! Busy knitting a scarf for Mum at the moment (IIII know, Carla knitting..... lol who would of thought!!!)

My Mothers Day rocked! i had an awesome day, started with a sleep in and breaky and hot chocolate in bed, got some nice new slippers (which my kids have since hidden somewhere!) and a lovely card, then we went up to Darryls parents for morning tea, met Darryls sister, BIL and kids up there and had nice family time, then when we got home again i went and got another Tattoo! i LOVE it! it means Love, Life and Loyalty

and i think thats all from me for now, just busy being a Mama really, love it!!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hello hello!!

wow what a busy time ive had, where do i start!!

we still have our christmas tree up, slack aye, lol every time i look at it i think 'i really should take this down', Darryl reckons leave it up till next christmas!

I have started my own business, mostly selling cloth nappies that i have made and designed by myself, my aim is to keep cloth nappying affordable, as it can get up to $40 for one nappy, then you need to add postage costs on top of that, wayyyy too expensive if you ask me! so my nappies will all be under $20 (inserts $5 extra) patterned, plain, unique (some of them), im busy writing my website at the moment, and will let you know when it goes live so that you can have a look.

you can find my creations under username 'tahi_nappies' on trade me until my website is up and running

other than that ive just been busy doing kid stuff, Kaylees at kindy 3 mornings a week now which is great and she just loves it, Olivia is still not walking, she took her first step last week and hasnt done anything since lol, shes just taking her time, whats the bet that she will do it next week down at mums house!

I now have a diagnoses for my illness, they (the Drs) have diagnosed me with Bipolar2, there is some good information about it here if your interested. its good having a diagnoses as it means that there is something for all of us to work on and understand a bit more etc. its all good!

other than that, not up to much, doing heaps of sewing, heaps of website work and heaps of other stuff, but im loving it really, keeping really busy, there is always something for me to do!

oh and a little note about weightloss, im really not doing very well at all, im trying hard, and thats all i can do, but the numbers are starting to creep up again, i need to find the time to get out walking again, i will get there i just need to prioritise!

much love

Sunday, February 03, 2008

weigh in time!

quick post, i will post properly later on, just letting you know i lost another 400g this week, im stoked, considering the boozy week i had, i was expecting a gain

onwards and upwards aye!! :)


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mandys boozy night - in pictures

we had a few friends over last night, all the boys did car shit while us girls sat around drinking, was great fun! im sure i said a few things to my neighbour, but i still cant remember what, hope it wasnt too embarressing!

but boyyyyy what a hangover today! the price to pay!! (and there is no way im going to add up last nights points lol i will just pay the price with a gain this week)
Heres my friend Mandys night - in pictures haha, as you can see she had great fun!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

weigh in time!

thanks for your comments on my nappies :) no i dont make those ones to sell as the pattern i use is a not for profit pattern, but i do have my own pattern that i make nappies out of that i can sell, just let me know what your after and how many and i will get busy :) hehe

i lost 600g at last nights weigh in, not as much as i had hoped for, but still a loss is a loss and i will take any loss that i can get!

just waiting for a friend to arrive, so only a short post today, but things are going all good, heres a couple of pics of Kaylee and Olivia :)

Monday, January 21, 2008


ive been sewing up a storm lately, i was really lucky and for my birthday i got a snap press, so now i can put snaps on my nappies instead of using velcroe, GENIUS!

my favourite nappy has to be the chocolate pink bubbles minkee nappy, it is soooo soft and just devine, i cant wait to try it on Olivia when she wakes in the morning

Friday, January 18, 2008


I have to be honest about last nights weigh in, i was gutted, i KNOW its silly to feel this way, but i was expecting at least 2kg. so i was fuming, BUT i did do everything right, i ate well, i drank heaps and i exersized.

i thought long and hard about putting this on my blog, but as my blog is about my thoughts and feelings i thought i would be lying to myself if i didnt say how i felt.

The more i think about it, the more i am pleased with myself for my loss, it IS a great loss, i know that, i guess i talked myself into losing more, which is unrealistic.

when i got home from WW last night i felt like reaching for a chocolate bar, then i thought no, i will go for a walk instead, and thats what i did, i went for a brisk walk, took out my frustrations on the pavement and felt better for it, i treated myself to a Jarrah hot Chocolate when i got home (1.5 points with a bit of skim milk)

so all my thoughts and feelings have changed, i AM proud of my loss, it IS a good loss and i WILL continue to lose weight because i WILL continue walking, drinking water and eating right.

it just feels right

Thursday, January 17, 2008


i lost 1.7kg

bring on next week!

its weigh in day tonight!!

and im actually quite excited to see what i have lost, i KNOW that i have lost weight, i can feel it, i have been out walking every night and drinking a tonne of water, its all gotta be good for me right?

so i will be back on here later tonight after my weigh in to share my results, how exciting!!!

my computer shat itself yesterday, so i have lost all my email contacts, all my favourites, everything, so please send me an email if your someone who i email so i can save your address again! and please leave me a comment so i can go back to browsing other blogs, i have a few of my faves (but not all) saved on here but i havent updated it for a long time, so im missing some, leave me a comment and i will come visit you!!

my aim for this week is to be more supportive to you guys, you have all been so supportive for me and i just havent had the time to leave comments, so thats my goal, to find your blogs again and to leave you a comment!!!

i will be back tonight with my weigh in results, wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday :)

Another good day to chalk up here, eating good, drinking heaps, im trying to eat some of my usual healthy foods, such as for breakfast i always have sultana bran and banana, so i have kept that up, it just means that im not doing such a drastic change and therefor im not finding it hard at all, i usually eat good meals, and its the snacks and after dinner treats that i have stopped, and the increased exersize that i have started, so hopefully it all works and then i will be happy!

the last 2 evenings have been lovely, we have been going to the beach and it is just devine there! the kids have really enjoyed playing in the water and sand, making sand castles and frollicking around outside, and the time of day that we go means that its not hot at all and we can all have a great time, today i decided to go for a walk along the beach and walked the length of it there and back, it felt good.

i havent decided what im going to have for dinner tonight, probably a chicken stirfry or similar, maybe bbq steak and salad.... hmmm decisions!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

doing good :)

im pissing like a racehorse though!! the amount of water im going through is amazing, but its got to be good for me, im struggling to eat all my points, because im still breastfeeding it adds heaps of points and im struggling to eat them all, but hopefully i will show a good loss on Thursday! we made yummy crunchy chicken soft tortillas tonight, delish, i guessed the points because they arent in the book yet (they are a new thing) but hopefully they work out ok

ive been doing heaps of walking, Friday night, Sunday night, again tonight, and im going out again tomorrow night, my aim is to walk at least 5 nights a week, so heres hoping i will achieve my goal.

My friend Mandy has a blog too, shes on the weightloss train as well, so pop in and say hi to her and have a read of her struggles and achievements, shes an amazing woman and im proud to say she is such a good friend is her website.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

#23 Done!

it was my birthday on the 10th, so im now a very young 26! and every year for my birthday i get a crayfish for my present (spoilt aye!) so the other night me and my darling friend Mandy sat outside (ok we didnt have the music) and drank wine and ate crayfish, ohhh it was bliss! totally enjoyed it and cant wait till next year so i can do it again!!!

also on the 10th i went back to weight watchers, im joining with my SIL as we both need to lose a few pounds (ok on my part, more than a few!) i chose weight watchers for a few reasons, but mostly because i need the discipline of it, i need to really watch and moniter what i eat, because lately i have been eating like crap, treating food as comfort and treats rather than for fuel to keep me going, the depression, weight gain, tiredness are all contributing to a very unhealthy me, so its back to basics and hopefully i can stick to it for a lot longer than in the past.

so wish me luck!!

tonight is my birthday party, im SO looking foward to it, some good friends, lotsa laughs, drinks, food, i was initially a bit worried to start WW before my party, because of the extra calories i will consume tonight, however i thought that i cant put my life on hold at the same time as losing weight i have to enjoy myself, i just have to treat everything in moderation, make wise choices and (try) not to get too drunk :)

anyway thats me for now, i will be back at least weekly to share my losses and gains, hopefully more losses than gains at this point and time!!


Monday, January 07, 2008

Kaylees first Haircut

shes had her fringe trimmed before, but never a proper haircut, we think she looks so grown up, i just had to share!
and After:

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Things are all good here, still trucking along, drinking too much and enjoying the holiday season :)

Heres some pics taken recently, enjoy!