Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mandys boozy night - in pictures

we had a few friends over last night, all the boys did car shit while us girls sat around drinking, was great fun! im sure i said a few things to my neighbour, but i still cant remember what, hope it wasnt too embarressing!

but boyyyyy what a hangover today! the price to pay!! (and there is no way im going to add up last nights points lol i will just pay the price with a gain this week)
Heres my friend Mandys night - in pictures haha, as you can see she had great fun!!!!


Unknown said...

OMG OMG OMG - Carnage and a half - ya think??!??!??

Had funt ho right ...

Chris H said...

Looks like you all had fun, Mandz in particular! There is NOTHING wrong with having fun!

Kate said...

Oh my god!