Saturday, January 12, 2008

#23 Done!

it was my birthday on the 10th, so im now a very young 26! and every year for my birthday i get a crayfish for my present (spoilt aye!) so the other night me and my darling friend Mandy sat outside (ok we didnt have the music) and drank wine and ate crayfish, ohhh it was bliss! totally enjoyed it and cant wait till next year so i can do it again!!!

also on the 10th i went back to weight watchers, im joining with my SIL as we both need to lose a few pounds (ok on my part, more than a few!) i chose weight watchers for a few reasons, but mostly because i need the discipline of it, i need to really watch and moniter what i eat, because lately i have been eating like crap, treating food as comfort and treats rather than for fuel to keep me going, the depression, weight gain, tiredness are all contributing to a very unhealthy me, so its back to basics and hopefully i can stick to it for a lot longer than in the past.

so wish me luck!!

tonight is my birthday party, im SO looking foward to it, some good friends, lotsa laughs, drinks, food, i was initially a bit worried to start WW before my party, because of the extra calories i will consume tonight, however i thought that i cant put my life on hold at the same time as losing weight i have to enjoy myself, i just have to treat everything in moderation, make wise choices and (try) not to get too drunk :)

anyway thats me for now, i will be back at least weekly to share my losses and gains, hopefully more losses than gains at this point and time!!



Tania said...

Happy Birthday! Congratulations on making the decision to go back to Weight Watchers. I look forward to following your progress and hope you had a lovely party.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday hun! Hope you had a fantastic party with your friends :)
And congrats on making the decision to rejoin WW - I too need the discipline etc so might be following your footsteps and rejoin too.