Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday :)

Another good day to chalk up here, eating good, drinking heaps, im trying to eat some of my usual healthy foods, such as for breakfast i always have sultana bran and banana, so i have kept that up, it just means that im not doing such a drastic change and therefor im not finding it hard at all, i usually eat good meals, and its the snacks and after dinner treats that i have stopped, and the increased exersize that i have started, so hopefully it all works and then i will be happy!

the last 2 evenings have been lovely, we have been going to the beach and it is just devine there! the kids have really enjoyed playing in the water and sand, making sand castles and frollicking around outside, and the time of day that we go means that its not hot at all and we can all have a great time, today i decided to go for a walk along the beach and walked the length of it there and back, it felt good.

i havent decided what im going to have for dinner tonight, probably a chicken stirfry or similar, maybe bbq steak and salad.... hmmm decisions!!!


Tania said...

You're doing great! It's so good to see you posting regularly.

Joanna Blogs ;) said...

My downfall was after dinner treats too.....esp in winter when the kids were really little and we just felt like falling down in front of the TV (some random reality programme!!) with a block of chocolate after we'd got them into bed! We had a high needs baby and a quiet house always felt like celebration (with food) time.
Beach sounds lovely :)))

You're doing great!