Tuesday, April 10, 2007

still around

not much to say, Olivia is only waking twice a night now, (well for the past few nights anyway) im still happily strumming away, heaps of other stuff going on, still finding myself, kinda got myself in a bit of a mess, but will find my way out of it, always do!

Mel, definitely keen for you to come visit us from Japan so we can watch Borat together! hehe

Christine, i WILL make it down your way for a cuppa one day, but hey, your always welcome up here, i know heaps of people in the north would luv to meet ya! xx

my Mum and sisters are coming up on Friday arvo, staying until Tuesday, so that will be good for a break, Darryl and I are off out to the pub on Friday night to watch my BIL and his band play, so im looking foward to getting utterly pissed :)

i have a thing for Penguins at the moment, i think they are kinda cute....

im just a bit weird right now if you havent guessed :)

and this too shall pass



Kate said...

LOL. After I was talking to you this afternoon (the girls were all asleep) - Amelia and Bella requested to watch Happy Feet - funny!! (And I still don't like the movie, and neither do they!).
And yeah, penguins are cute. :-) The ones at the zoo are smelly though, lol.

Karen said...

Yeap penguins are cute - have to agree with you there!
Hope you enjoy the break with your mum and sisters staying and that you and Darryl get some quality time away together.
Always here if you need someone to talk too xx