Thursday, April 05, 2007


As you all know, im on this whole "find myself" thing, mentally, physically and emotionally, its kind of like a decluttering of my thoughts and emotions and getting everything back to reality and in check again.

Well im in the process of decluttering physical things too, my house (Kate and Em will testify to this! haha) is SO cluttered, i have so much crap its not funny, crap that we just dont need. so today i finally got off my arse and sorted out Kaylees room, as a result we have 1 toybox of toys, 1 box of dressups and puzzles and a bookshelf of books, and its great!! back to how i used to have her room, neat and tidy, clothes hung up, bed made (well kinda... shes been playing in it!) so hopefully now that it is done, it will be easier for miss Kaylee to maintain every night before bed!

i did a quick look through the house today and found all the things that i dont actually need... as a result i have heaps listed on Trademe and hopefully i will make pretty good money on it too! (Stretch55 is my username if you wanna squizz - nothing like a bit of self promotion in your own blog!) i have heaps more to list too, but i thought if i list a few things at a time, it means a few items (clutter) at a time will leave my house, brilliant! it feels nice to throw things away, and start clearing things out, because to me a clear house helps you mentally too.

Now, what are we going to do about Miss Olivia..... i rang healthline today and talked to one of their wonderful wellchild nurses, i told her all the feeding and sleeping issues we were having, i told her about Olivias lack of weight gain, and i told her that basically im pretty buggered right now! so, taking her ideas on board, we are going to get strict on Olivia from tonight.... i feed her up good and proper before bed (always do) put her down, when she first wakes (usually about 1 recently) i feed her (like usual) from then on, i dont feed her (wahhhh!!!) we try to let her settle herself back down, if she doesnt, we settle her, but we dont give in with the boobie!!! because of how rotten she feeds during the day, i need to work on her night sleeping, so her day feeding will be heaps better, so i HAVE to do it, it may take anywhere from a few nights to a couple of weeks to sort out properly, but right now i KNOW olivia is fed at night, she just likes getting up to snuggle with her mummy, and i KNOW that i am slowly losing the plot and i need my sleep.

i dont know if im strong enough though... so i might just hide out in the spare room and let Darryl deal with her! lol

ahhhh nevermind!!! we WILL get there!!!

Ok, i dont know if its anyone here, but if there is anyone called LION CITY out there fowarding me emails, please stop! i dont know who you are, therefor i dont open them and really its just spam to me. i know a couple of other people get the same things, so it would be NICE if you stopped, cheers.


Kate said...

Hehe, I'm so going to have a squiz at your listings, will see if I want anything, hehe!

And good on you re: Olivia - it will be hard work, but it makes sense, and will be so worth it!


Karen said...

I will check your listings out too! :)

Good luck with Olivia's feeding/sleeping issues and I hope it all comes right for you.

Oh I get LION CITY emails too and always delete them without opening them as I think it is spam too!

Have a great Easter xx

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

So, did ya find out who Lion City is? How're your things selling? How is Olivia sleeping / feeding now? So many questions!!