Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Foody stuff

i havent talked about food for ages, probably because i have SO many other things going on, but i thought i would let you know where im at and what i have been up to.

As ive said in a previous post, i have no idea what i weigh at the moment, and i kind of like that, im a bit curious, and if i went into someones bathroom and they had a set of scales there, then i would probably use them :) however at the moment, im quite happy knowing that my clothes are loose, im down a couple of sizes (compared to this time last year) and im feeling healthier all round.

I guess breastfeeding has a lot to do with it, i have to make sure i eat well, in order to produce good milk, if i eat crap, i notice a decline in my supply, so its a good reason to continue eating healthy. (with the odd treat)

Darryl said to me the other day that he has noticed my portions are so much smaller than they used to be, and thats probably another thing thats helping, sometimes i get a bit carried away on portion sizes and my eyes end up bigger than my stomach, however i just keep eating.... not really a good thing!

Coming into winter again though, im just going to have to be careful, things like Lasagne, and curries are of course lovely warm winter foods, and we tend to have these a lot... will have to watch that! this year though i have my crock pot, so i can do healthy cassoroles and stews with lots of veggies.

bit of a boring post really, but just kinda putting it all down what has been happening foody wise, im finding myself drawn to the more healthy options on a menu, to the more healthy options for dinners at home, fruit bowl always full, veggie bin always full, freezer always full of lean meats, if you have the basics, it makes preperations alot easier!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

You sound so organised with your food hun - I wish I could be half as organised as you are!
Mmmmmm casseroles, curries, lasanga... all those yummy comfort foods! :)
Yay for smaller portions and double yay for Darryl noticing and commenting on it!