Saturday, April 14, 2007


yep, 2 posts in one morning! arent you just so lucky! haha

Well i went out last night, not the night i was hoping for, as non of my girls could make it (everyone is sick!! no fair!! get better soon babes!!) so just Darryl and i toddled along, i didnt get my boogy, but there is always next time, i had a few drinks, that was nice, and i met a few people, that was nice, and listened to some good music for a couple of hours, next time though, hold me back baby im gunna boogy!!! (my girls, watch this space!)

My mum and youngest sister arrived yesterday, so its quite nice having someone else keeping Kaylee entertained for a while, 2 year olds are full on! (Kate... under 3 mths to go until the big 3! holy CRAP!), but so hilarious!!! Kaylee has a boyfriend from kindy, its very cute, she keeps talking about him, ahhh young love, very sweet!!! so they will be here until Tuesday morning at this stage. we have absolutly no plans for this weekend, but Darryl and I might make the most of the fact we have a couple of babysitters in the house for a few days and pop out now and again! we already have plans to go out in a couple of hours for lunch, so that should be nice, not having to worry about any children, nappies, prams, bottles, etc!!

Have a wonderful weekend folks, take care, look after yourselves

peace out


Kate said...

I'm glad you guys went anyway and had an ok time. Enjoy your babysitters! We went to Piha for breakfast this morning and it was so quiet and easy with just one kid, lol. She had such a great time getting all the attention.

Crafty Japan said...

Ahh, sounds like this weekend might just be lovely :)

I know what you mean as far as having an wasy baby first time round - I think I've been dealt a good hand this time. I can only imagine it's gotta be frustrating when it doesn't happen with 2nd babies. I'd love to hear from you if you wanna chat sometime.

I don't spose you'll be anywhere in Australia in November? I'm planning a trip to meet rellies, friends etc. Would be nice if we could catch up...really nice. Otherwise, you're always welcome to visit us over here!! :)

Tania said...

Glad to hear you had a good night! It's nice to have an occasional kid-free outing. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!