Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I have to BRAG!

i cant really brag about my girl too much in 'real life' (but i do!) lol as with certain friends, they think im comparing or saying my child is better than yours (which im not, im just SO proud of my baby girl!) but im SO excited i had to tell you! :)

Kaylee has known how to count to 10 for a wee while now, which has been great, but we just thought it was repitition (us doing it with her over and over again) which im sure has helped a lot, BUT this morning in bed with her reading books we got to a counting book (The Tadpole one Kate, she LOVES it!) and she loves pointing to the numbers and telling me what it is, but of course its always in order either from 1-10 or 10-1, today i skipped a couple of pages, and she still got the number right, i went randomly through the book pointing at the numbers and getting me to tell her what it was, no order at all to my page flicking system, and she got every damn number right! i was SO blown away by it! so i pointed to a few numbers in other places, she still got them right! she actually KNOWS the numbers, im so excited! lol may be a small thing for some, but this is HUGE for me! and i just had to share!

i have Maia today (Neice) so trying to get her and Kaylee into bed for their afternoon sleeps, man what a mission! Kaylee has trashed her room, Maia is in our room and i checked on her only to find she was going though my drawers! little monkey! they spent ages chatting to each other through their doors, and finally, its silent! lets hope it lasts!!!!!

oh oh and im real excited! got the Curtain Supermarket brochure in the mail, and there are curtains that we just love! so hopefully we will pop in on Saturday and get new curtains, means our room is finished and prepared for baby girl (apart from a few photos maybe to go up!) another thing off the list! yay!

its a beautiful day today! sun is shining, birds are singing! our neighbours have a Kowhai Tree, just a small one, but its out in flower at the moment, and the Tuis are back singing, its just beautiful, i stand at my kitchen watching them, lol im sure the neighbours think im some kind of weirdo perve! ahhhh well! :)


Rachel said...

What a clever girl your Kaylee is and I also think it is really clever for her to know the numbers at her age.....yay!

New curtains.....arrrrrr lovely :)

Unknown said...

no wonder you want to brag about her! What a clever chicken@!!!!
oh curtains for your new baby girl!!!

Kate said...

Hehe - brag away!! She really is so clever - that's so cool!

I'm glad we can brag to each other without it being all weird!!


Lisa said...

That is really great, shes doing better than my daughter.

I thought DD was at that stage, turns out she had just learnt by remembering the animal ie: Two Toucans, Four foxes etc... and when tested another way she didn't recognise the actual number at all.
Great memory but no visual yet lol.
