Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Holy Moly..... 2 year olds!!

Someone please explain to me why it is that one day they can be just amazing wee creatures, real placid, lovely, inquisitive, helpful, cheerful, happy, then the next day, TOTALLY OPPOSITE! So yes, Kaylee is in her bedroom screaming, and i have come online for some "peace" while eating the Luxury Flake that Darryl had "hid" away from me, huh, not very well aye! if i could have a stiff rum right now i blardy would i tell you!!

today started at 3.45am, Kaylee woke up screaming, must of been nightmares, we finally got her settled, and she woke up again at 6.15am, and has been up and awake since, nice... i got out of the shower later on this morning and found her with my lipstick, EVERYWHERE! its something she knows she not allowed, so tried to hide it, under my damn bed! over her pjs (thank god i hadnt dressed her yet!) face, in her hair, on her hands, up her nails... yeah... nice... not! thank god she didnt get it on the carpet, its only on the valance, thats ok, i can handle that. but MAN, so defiant, EVERYTHING is "NO!" or "DONT WANT IT!" ive lost track of the amount of tantys that have been had today, the amount of activities i set up to do with her that have been pushed onto the floor because "dont want to!" she had better wake up in a good mood i tell you, otherwise i will be packing her barbie bag and sending her on her way!!!

Yesterday however was great! i looked after my neice Maia, and they had a great time, we went out to chipmunks in the morning, the girls played and i sat back with a hot chocolate and magazine, was lovely! we came home and after lunch they had a little play then both down for a sleep, when they woke we went outside and rode bikes (ok they did, i watched!) and drew on the concrete with chalk, they had a big bubble bath and then dinner until Maias Dad collected her at around 6.30ish, it was busy and full on, but nice, and i got the housework done, 4 loads of washing and the vacuuming... stark contrast to today where i havent got a damn thing done at all!!!!!

Midwife came today for a visit, baby has moved to my right side now, hence the pain in my right hip, shes really pushing into it... nice! i will go to Neurolink soon hopefully (as soon as Darryl can get me the appt!) which will help, but really its just something i have to put up with for the next however long im pregnant for, not nice! baby is growing nicely, but the midwife did say, i dont think you will have a big baby, not like Kaylee, (8pd7 2 weeks early) but hey, we wont know until i push her out aye!

This is a bit of a downer post isnt it!?!, to be honest, im feeling GREAT! apart from the pain in my hip, mentally and physically i feel fantastic! (apparently i look pretty damn good too... lmao!) i look back to how i was at this stage when pregnant with Kaylee, and my state of mind was so different, we were nervous of the unknown, now we are like, well, shit, we did it before, we can do it again! at least we know what we can expect this time, know where to get help this time, know WHEN to get help this time (if needed), and we have such a better support network this time too, it all helps!

RIP - Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter - he will be missed by many, and i really feel for his family right now. :(


Kate said...

You really seem like you are feeling great, so bubbly and talkative - it's great! I hope it continues for you :-)

Lee said...

I really admire you mums. I don't know how on Earth you do it! I had my little cousin over here today for all of an hour, and I was tearing my hair out! She's also going through that "DON'T WANT IT!" stage. I don't know how they can LOOK like little angels, but ACT like little devils!

What I'm trying to say is congratulations. :o)

(Even here in NZ Steve has been the hot topic all last night and today. I couldn't believe it when I heard it. :o( So sad. )

Rachel said...

After reading your whole post the one thing that stuck in my mind was the midwifes comments on this baby not being as big as Kaylee..........Hip hip horrah LOL!

Having a 2 year old myself, I feel your pain sista!