Thursday, September 14, 2006


Kate mentioned on a comment recently that I seem the happiest now, than from when she first met me, so around about 3.5years, I have spent some time just wondering why that is, a lot goes on in my life that I don’t put on here, nothing good, nothing bad, just stuff. And really nothing matters at the moment, I don’t care about the trivial things in the world, I don’t care about my weight (of course I love seeing the scales go down and I still try to remain as healthy as I possibly can – without obsessing) and I have realized that I DO MATTER! The things I do, DO COUNT! Im not only a Wife and Mother, but I am my own person too, even though I am things to other people, I can be something to myself as well. And finally, this has all clicked into place, and its made me happier! Has it made me a better person? Who knows? Maybe, maybe not, im sure I could find people to argue both sides! (haha!) im enjoying living day by day, im enjoying the sunshine, im enjoying just being alive, being free to do whatever I want, I mean really, who do I have to answer to? Im an adult, I make my own decisions, my own destiny. By being happy, it means my family are happy, Kaylee is happy, Darryl is happy, its a joy to be alive.

I have ‘friends’ who everything is just so damn onesided, I am always the one contacting them, inviting them, taking care of them, a wee while ago I thought, hmmm, I wonder what would happen if I stopped contacting/ringing/texting, would they give a shit about me? Would they be wondering how I was doing? And no, I haven’t heard from them. But im sure I will, when they want something, or someone to help them, but hmmmm maybe just maybe I will be busy…..

I have to look after ME and YOU (YES YOU!) have to look after YOU too! I read a lot of blogs (still adding to my sidebar, ran out of time when I was doing it the other day) and find more daily when others email me links, or new people leave comments (Hi everyone! Don’t be shy! Leave a comment and say HI!) and a lot of you out there (and NO this isn’t directed at anyone in particular!) have let yourselves go! Why? Why are you not your own priority anymore?? It doesn’t have to cost money to look nice, or to feel nice and by god it helps your self esteem when you do look and feel nice, TREAT yourselves! YOU DO DESERVE IT! STOP making damn excuses for your life the way it is, if things are crap in whatever you are doing, only YOU can change that! Small steps towards big goals people!

Because im happy, because I care about you, and because I want you to be happy too.

Peace out


Anonymous said...

WOW - what a fantastic post - I love it !!! So glad to see someone so happy and fulfilled ! Thanks ! Kel x

Unknown said...

Oh I like this post , because you are right, I have let myself go, i;m not taking good care of myself and I NEED to!!
Thanks for the reminder!
Fantastic that you are SO happy! And your right, it does impact everyone around you! YAY

Karen said...

Awesome post hun! Some of what you said really hit home! Thanks xxx

Ang said...

Loving the happy vibes!! :D

Leighanne said...

I totally get ya!!

For a while now I have been putting myself first - not stressing about trivial crap - and I am so much happier, also I have noticed that I'm not 'emotional eating' anymore!!