Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Soup Glorious Soup!!!

Have i ever mentioned before how i LOVE soup?? lmao i even eat veggies i HATE in soup, yummmmmmm i have a HUGE pot of it bubbling away on my stove, bacon hock, potato, pumpkin, onion, carrot, celery and a tonne of soup mix mmmmmm it smells soooooo good!!!

Rochelle (Darryls sister) is sick with Laryngytis (i so spelt that wrong! sorry!) and Maia (age 2 today) is just getting over a terrible bout of Croup (awful time of year for kidlets isnt it!) so their household is, well, on hold! so i have said to them i will bring over some soup to them for their dinner, at least they have one good meal in their tummy!! so soup for everyones dinner! lol

however when i was slicing some pumpkin up, i managed to slice the side of my finger open... yeah... duh i know! and just so happened that at the same time i blocked up (Darryls job tonight to unblock!) the waste disposal!!!! awful blardy thing! luckily Kaylee was (and still is! yeah!) in bed sleeping, so i didnt have to worry about my nosey parker getting in the way!

shes having a lovely sleep actually... lmao probably because she woke us up at 6am! at the side of our bed, patting Darryl going "daddddddddyyyyyyyyyy" and then "agoobledegookdegooobegook" as they do! we tried getting her back to sleep, but nup she wouldnt have a bar of it, "nup no nighnighs!!" So Kaylee and i stayed in bed and watched cartoons all morning! slack tart aye! lol shes still pretty grizzly and there is a peek of a new tooth, just one however! i wish they would both come at once!!!

im finding as the days go by im not as sick in the morning, i actually feel pretty normal, come early evening im a bit blah, but Darryl is usually home by then, so its ok, getting pretty managable, hopefully it stays that way!

18 weeks today! i think baby has moved further towards my back, my stomach is no where near as large as it was a couple of weeks ago and i dont feel so heavy and ick, but it means baby's movements have died down as well, very very dull feeling, but they are still there :)

even though this pregnancy is going very fast for me, nearly half way already! i REALLY want my baby NOW!!! i can wait to meet him/her and have Kaylee meet her little brother or sister, its all so exciting really!!!!


Kate said...

It is exciting!

Yum, we had a soup day yesterday, but I was VERY slack and we had tinned soup, but it was still yummy!

Poor Maia and Rochelle - how horrible. :-( You are so good to them, helping out like that!

Hope those teeth pop through soon - Bella is absolutely miserable teething the exact same ones too. Seems like these have been the worst so far!

I'm so pleased re: your nausea and vomiting by the way - great news!

Don't forget next week if I still haven't popped, I'll be overdue and we'll need to go shopping, lol.

Leighanne said...

I have been having the velish soups for lunch most days - I hate veggies too. but in soup they are much nicer!

Rachel said...

My favourite soup is pumpkin and kumera........yummmmmm!!!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Yay, glad to hear you are feeling better.

I love my vege soup too, but it is too soon since my last failed attempt for me to give it another go just yet (mmmm, smoke soup, yum!!)

Oh, a girlfriend has just given me that book we talked about last week as well, thanks anyway :-)

Karen said...

Yum on soup! Soup is one of my all time favourite winter meals - just wish I made more time to actually make it rather than having tinned stuff! :)
Yay for being 18 weeks - we are almost 1/2 way! :)