Saturday, June 17, 2006

Rainy days!!

The Thunder! The Lightening! The pouring rain!!! isnt it just all amazing!!!! So nice when you dont have to go anywhere and can just snuggle up inside and listen to the weather take over!!! The thunder has been so loud its shaking our house and windows! makes you jump every time! I do feel sorry for the people over on the North Shore that were on the news tonight, their house was struck by lightening! noone hurt, but what a mess!!!

We are being REALLY lazy for dinner tonight, Hells Pizza has just been delivered! ohhh yum! so thats our treat for the week, naughty aye!!! (Well ok, also the Caramello bar of chocolate in the cupboard.....) the 8 kilos (yes 8! would you believe!) i have lost so far this pregnancy, may start creeping back on, i just have to be careful i think, not make this too much of a habit!

I looked after my neice this morning, so her and Kaylee had fun playing which was good, and really we have just had a quiet afternoon, havent done a thing! Tomorrow we have to pop out to the shops then out to New Lynn to Dennys for lunch for a friends birthday.

Poor Kaylee has come down a bit unwell today, all stuffed up with a cold that shes picked up from somewhere, all snuffly and croaky and not happy, so ive been out to the chemist and shes now dosed up on Pamol and Dimetapp and covered in Vicks Vapour rub, and hopefully she will shake it real quick, i hope so!!! not only is it awful for her having a cold, its a busy week ahead and im hoping not to cancel a thing this time!!! i will give her until Monday afternoon to see if she is ok, then if not i will take her to the Doctors.

I have my 20 week Anatomy scan on Monday, im SOOOOo excited and cant wait to see baby again! we have FINALLY decided on names, and Darryl actually suggested some too!!!

as a side note, do you think its weird that our neighbours (only been next door for about 5 weeks) have had their washing on the line (can see it from our house - im not THAT nosey!) for the past 4 weeks??? its starting to go green and grow!!!!! we just think its really odd is all..... :)


Kate said...

Lol @ your neighbours!

I wish we had weather like that here - it's only been raining on and off.

Wow @ losing 8 kgs!

I can't wait for your scan, and I so want to know what names you have chosen!

Kate said...

Oh and hope Kaylee is better soon, poor wee thing.

14pk said...

lol at your neighbours although i cant laugh cam's left our towels out for two weeks!!!

babies everywhere in the blog world hehe...yay.

Karen said...

LOL @ your neighbours though I work with someone like that - well ok maybe not quite as bad but she had been known to leave her washing out for a week or so!
Hope Kaylee is better real soon :)
And woohooo for the scan on Monday - can't wait to hear all about it hun!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

I lurve being tucked up inside when its storming outside, but only if I know I don't have to go out anywhere, lol.

Neighbours washing is VERY strange - check their letterbox and if its chocca, call the cops in!!

Leighanne said...

I'm with em - they might not be there anymore!!!!

Hope kaylee is better soon:)

Rachel said...

Hope Kaylee is feeling better today. 8kgs WOW I would say congrats but I know the horrible time you have been having of it - any better now?

Weird neighbours, have you seen them around at all? Take extra notice and if you think something is up, ring the cops.