Friday, June 09, 2006

ohhhh yukky.....

i thought i could handle going out today.... but naaaa im finding it hard enough sitting upright without wanting to spew.... havent spewed yet... but its comin....

Sorry Kate!!!! xxxx

THIS SUXXXXXXXXX!!!!! can i yell and scream and throw a tanty???????? not going to achieve much is it... so yes i did speak too soon the other day saying i was feeling great etc, because im right back to square 1! i cant wait for the couple of days next week when im feeling fine again

food doesnt taste anywhere near as good when you know its going to come up and youll have to taste it all over again.... have i grossed you out enough yet????

my little girl is growing up... not only is she 2 in a months time, but she has decided that she no longer wants to wear a nappy..... blardy hell! i dont need this yet!!! she gets fully undressed (singlet, pants everything!) takes off her nappy, and puts it in the rubbish, saying "no nappy" i had knickers on her before, she thought they were pretty smart, but she decided that those were too constrictive for her too, and off they come, she sat on the potty for ages, we read together and played, but nope, "oh, no wee wees" as she says! or "nup, no pooooos" hmmmm but do you think i could get the nappy back on her..... nearly 2 hours without one was enough for me! so finally she is now dressed with a nappy on again, but what a mission! and yup, you guessed it, i dont have a blardy clue about toilet training, so once she is in bed for her afternoon sleep im trawling for info on how on earth to start and what im meant to be doing! i have no idea!!!!

have an OK weekend planned, tomorrow night we have some friends coming over with their little boy for dinner, havent had them over for a long time, its been a bit wierd really... so i invited them over for dinner, so tomorrow and tonight will be filled with housework (that i should be doing now, but cant be stuffed, so Darryl and I will finish it tonight!) and food shopping and cooking etc, dumb ass me said i will do a roast chicken.... im tempted to get a bbq chicken from the supermarket and take the credit for it! lol mmmm reckon they would be able to tell????? so roast chicken, brocolli and cauli and cheese sauce, roast veggies and steamed beans and peas and carrots for dinner tomorrow night.... first time in a long time ive actually had something planned ahead! oh.. and packet gravy... lol i so cant make gravy from scratch and the thought of all that fat... eww ick!

Sunday we are all off to Chipmunks for the morning for Maias birthday, they are all feeling sooo much better (my soup did it... i reckon!!) which is great, and the kids will have a play, while we sit and drink coffee... and talk shit probably! :D

its actually a really busy month for birthdays, Maias was the 7th, Kates is the 15th (hehe) my friend Belindas is the 18th, then i have a "book look" to go to (like a tupperware party, but with kids books, very cool) on the 24th and a Prenzels party (ohhhh yum!) on the 29th... no alcohol tastings for me of course, but the dessert toppings and the oils are to die for! so im looking foward to getting some more Garlic infused and Chilli infused Olive oils... but im HOPING that i will be well enough to go to those 2 parties, i dont like having things at my house, but i LOVE going to them!

time to get off the computer, my head is spinning... need more water!!!! :)


Kate said...

No worries at all! I know the feeling and it's truly rotten! Just hope you are feeling better soon.

Hey, I think we will need to take a trip to Sylvia Park at some stage in the near future too, lol. Just not this week!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Oh yum, Prenzels is the BEST!!!

We had a supermarket chook the other night, and it was nice, but I always find home-cooked onces nicer and more tender. If only they didn't take soooooo long to cook!!

Good luck with the toilet training, sounds like fun :-)

Karen said...

Sorry to hear you are not well again hun! Yum roast chicken! Like Emily says the supermarket ones are nice but no where as nice as home cooked ones :)
Yay for Prenzels - I am going to one at Jo's next week :) But like you bring on the dessert toppings and oils! LOL
Good luck with toilet training - probably the last thing you feel like doing right now.
Have a good weekend.

Leighanne said...

Can't really help with the toilet training - with boys it was easy....they can go