Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Early Nesting maybe???

i dont know, but something stinks! and my house is so dirty! i didnt realise how gross it was until, well yesterday! i have scrubbed my kitchen clean (with an actual scrubbing brush! i usually do the floors with the brush but not the other surfaces.... i marked the paint though... oops!) all surfaces got done and im about to do the same with the bathroom and toilet, Darryl cant smell anything, maybe its just a preggy thing, but pooooooey! i cant go into the garage at the moment cos the catfood stinks too badly (i didnt notice it at all before btw, its just bikkies!) and im so frustrated with the clutter everywhere! i cant eat its that bad, its very hard to sit here on the computer because im looking around me and there is mess mess mess! i cant do anything but clean and tidy and im getting so angry because its not even making a dent yet!!!!!!! argh!!! Kaylee decided to empty out her packet of Rice Wheels onto the carpet, she shook them everywhere, i had just vacuumed... i cried, she cried.... i sent her to bed, we cried some more..... im going mental i tell you!!!!

Now Kaylee is asleep, after a big morning out, we met my SIL and Daniel and Maia at Chipmunks where they played all morning, im about to tidy some more, i may be back later, but if im not, you know i havent finished!!!!


Ang said...

Go the cleaning freenzy. lol.

I'm sure it can't be that bad.

Karen said...

Gees I wish I had that urge.. maybe it will come soon for me! Otherwise there is always my place for you to do if you really want to!

Kate said...

Lol, I know exactly what you mean. I've had all sorts of strange smells and strange cleaning urges this time around. I'm sure I found things to clean that haven't been cleaned in the 4 years we have owned this house!! LOL. Gross!

I would have cried too about the rice wheels - argh!!

Karen said...

Hey you've been quiet... perhaps you have had your hands full with kids... hope all is ok :)