Thursday, August 10, 2006


Thursday has rolled around again, man these weeks fly! im in a really weird (YEAH when am i NOT! lol) mood today!! watch out!!!

Firstly, just something that bugs me, lol you know those verification thingis when you leave a comment on someones (mine included) blog? lol does anyone else CRINGE when its a huge one and become relieved when its only little!!!! lol just sharing!

Martha Stewart, im watching her on TV at the moment (Sky Channel 38 food tv, my fave channel!) is it just me, or does she seem to ask really dum questions..... lol she just asked how to whip an egg white.....

oh and Wendy is definatly Bobs "Assistant" not his wife, according to this link on Wikipedia and who would of thought that are forums around that discuss these things!!!! Google is great!

im slowly starting to feel better thanks everyone for your kind comments! i had to delete that post to post the post just posted (LOL!) so the post just posted would appear up the top and not get lost! i did have to share you know! but your kind comments were and are definatly appreciated! i still have not much of a voice and a terrible cough, but i have energy and am managing to eat a small amount of food, keeping my fluids up too which is all helping wonderfully i think! the cough drives me nuts though, just so persistant!!!! im guttered though as tonight im missing out on going to dinner with my coffee group, im sure they would rather they didnt have my germs!!! Kaylee has been doing well for a few days, she too has a persistant cough, but hopefully they will die away soon!

mmmmm they are baking a cake on Martha Stewart (well she isnt, her guest is) now i feel like cake! lmao, i haved baked for months and months! very rare baking happens unless its bikkies for Darryl!! but ewwww ok, its a fig cake, lol looks yuk.... whats a fig??? LOL cant say ive ever had one!

yeah, might have to go and do something productive.... dont really have much more to talk about!


Crafty Japan said...

Hi babe!! You've been tagged. Check my blog for details. You need to write a post about 5 weird things or habits that you have. Sounds easy? Give it a go...


Rachel said...

After saying to you on Wednesday that my kids are fine.....guess what? Yep, had Adam in bed with me all night just crying and being miserable, I really feel sorry for the little one's.

I have a fig tree at home which grows heaps of figs. One of our friends comes and gets bags and cooks god know what with them.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Hi!! I have a gripe about the word verification thing too, but I think mine is more to do with my laptop at home... When I open the comment box on someones blog to read and/or write a comment, there is an old comment already written in the box (from like months ago) that I wrote to someone else, and when my lovely laptop helfully logs me in automatically, it posts that random comment at the same time, but only if the person doesn't have word verification turned on.... grrr. If their word verification is on, it gives me an error cos I didn't type the word in, so at least I get to delete the comment and write a proper one.

Did that make ANY sense?

Also, something that might help you in the future, instead of deleting posts to get your new one to go to the top (esp if you started to write it a few days ago but saved it as a draft) you can change the date/time at the bottom of the post in the edit view and make it todays date.

Did THAT make sense??