Saturday, August 12, 2006

Getting Organised!

Im trying to become more organised in my household. Since being pregnant (and sick, and sick again!) things have become so unorganised, and so behind, that just living in the house has been hard and frustrating! so im trying to bring more organisation in to the house which in turn will bring me more time with my family and more health and harmony around when baby comes! makes sense?? lol sounds all hippy aye! but i know what im talking about! im just sick of not keeping up and then feeling sorry for myself for not keeping up, and end up wasting the precious time i have in this world instead of doing something about it!

Ive also decided that my food has got boring, and consistant, same things over and over and over again! i want to try NEW things, and NICE things but still HEALTHY things, so have set a goal to try 1-2 new dishes a week, ive decided to get a Slow Cooker, so things like cheap beef (no fat!) will not only save us money, but end up yummy and melt in the mouth, with very little effort, we are also still needing a new frying pan... its been a pain without one, we feel so limited! lol ever tried making Spaghetti Bolognaise in a wok???? I love food and i love cooking, but due to lack of my own organisation i end up with 30min at the end of the day to whip something up real quick, and its just easier to do a stirfry or bolognaise. GET CREATIVE!!!

anyhoo, ive decided today that im bored, lol apart from going to the Dr, i have not been out of the house in 2 weeks!!!! so tomorrow (Darryl is working today) it has been decided that we will not stay home AT ALL! LOL i want out! lmao you should see all the Sudoku puzzles i have finished, its all i have been doing! lol

Darryls parents rang before and have offered to come out for dinner and bring it with them!! OK i said! lol doesnt happen often, im not going to turn that down! lets just hope that there isnt a too bigger reason for the visit, other to just visit..... you never know...... lol

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tarns said...

Yay you! I still have a move to contend with before this little one comes along!

Enjoy the dinner!

Ang said...

Enjoy the catch up with the in laws.

And enjoy your day "OUT" tomorrow :D

14pk said...

have a fun adventure up and getting organised is all good...must be something in the weather..i did that this morning!! hehe

Kate said...

I'm a bit stir crazy having been stuck inside too - so IF everyone at both our houses stay well this week let's go shopping!!!


Crafty Japan said...

You're dead right about the organisation thing. I took a couple of days last week and totally cleared out the cupboard in the spare room. You should see it now!! Beautiful and lovin it!!

Tarns said...

Hey, you have been tagged. See my blog for details