Saturday, August 19, 2006

brrr chilli!

its a little bit cold today! im half expecting it to rain, i hope not, but its just so cold and dark, perfect day to stay home!!!

we stayed at Darryls Sisters and Brother in-laws house for dinner last night, lol talk about preggy cravings, the guys felt like roast dinners, R & I went BLAH! no way! we felt like Thai, lovely fresh, light Thai, lol so one husband went one way to get roasts, the other husband went the other way to get Thai, and ohhh the Thai was GOOOD!!! but we had to come home earlier than planned, Kaylee decided to be a poo and not go to bed (we are there all the time, she is used to sleeping there) and throw tantrums, which unfortunatly carried on ALL night! 1.30am i was up making her a bottle to see if that would help, shes in the kitchen throwing the hugest tanty because she wants a biscuit! uh yeah i dont think so! (we dont actually have any biscuits at all in the house!)

so the mood has carried on this morning, lol i brought out some clothes to dress her in, just trackpants and a top, nothing flash, we arent going anywhere, and she looks at me and say "no mum, not that, they yucky!" little monkey! i have to keep ontop of this one i think!!!

Kaylee is amazing us, every day new words and sentences are being said, just blows us away! bit scary to think though that we have to be so careful with what we say now, incase she repeats it infront of others! lol

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