Thursday, August 17, 2006

decisions decisions.....

im just going to type here, just to get it all out, lol it may not make sense because i cant say much right now, but i REALLY need to get this down in order to get it straight in my head, lol feel free to ignore me!

We have had the opportunity arise to make some pretty important business decisions, not straight away, but things will start happening within the next few months, at the moment we are self employed, but if we do what we are thinking with the people we are thinking of then we will indeed have our own business as such with huge potential and room for expansion, going into it with a consultant and business manager who are VERY intellegent and know what they are doing, if we dont do something now, will the opportunity ever arise again? maybe, maybe not, we have a lot of debt (business - ird) over our heads already, do we want to add to it? it may be worth it, it may not, more risk, we have a baby due in November, so a young family, it means moving, not far, but still moving which is a huge mission anyway, and i love it here, adore it actually and will probably be an absolute mess knowing i have to leave even though it means that maybe we will be SO much better off a few years from now than we have ever imagined we would be. it means Kaylee wont be able to go to the kindy i planned to put her in, will have to wait until 3.5yrs for public kindy, it means that i have to rehome my cats (because of where we would have to go) which i HATE the idea of, and it means putting up with very little (space, assets, income) for a few years to get there, can i do that with 2 kids? i dont know, it means that i will as such become a work at home mum, doing invoicing, telephones, bookings, accounts etc, a lot more than i do now, but if i do it, it means we dont have to pay someone and i can still stay at home with the kids, it means employing a couple of people, wow at 24 i never thought i would ever be a business owner and a boss, but i may just be. it means business meetings, proposals, buy-outs, closures, openings, more meetings (where do you buy a preggy business suit from! i may just need one! lol) it means stress, but it means great earning potential, huge income (eventually), paying off all debt, expansion into different areas, buying our own home, having assets, investments, brand new cars, overseas holidays, being able to afford more than 2 children (at the moment we just cant) everything we ever dreamt of in as little as a few years time, but its still a risk. all else fails we can always go back to what we are doing now, knowing there is steady money rolling through, but the risk is there, the inconveniance, although short term, is there, ahhhhhh ok, really i just had to get that all down, in a way to get it straight in my head. LOTS to think about.... i think we will regret it if we dont take that risk.


Mel, yep i LOVE Japanese food, YUMMMMM the main thing i am missing while pregnant is Salmon Sushi, ohhhh im so sending Darryl out for it as soon as baby is born, raw Salmon Sushi, DELISH!!!! would love to hear any recipe ideas you have, we have heaps of great Asian food stores etc around. im wanting to try the new recipe on tv from food in a minute for the meatloaf, yummmm it looks really good and quite low fat (im sure you could get the fat even more down) so will give it a go and if its a hit i will post the recipe! id hate to recommend something thats crap!

TGIF - i tell you what, i need a wine right now, lol or a stiff rum... do you think sniffing it would be ok?????? ahhhh ok just juice it is!



Kate said...

Ok, no shit - I seriously had this mental image of you and Darryl owning a business, and you being the office Mum, like only yesterday. I could actually see it in my head, and I don't know why it popped in there. Freaky!!

Go for it mate - to move ahead you've got to take some risks. :-)

Anonymous said...

You will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did.

Anonymous said...

You have got to take the risk. You have an opportunity to set yourselves up for life financially & to give the kids the life you want. You will adapt to the inconveniences & knowing is is not forever will help.

Rachel said...

Go for it, it will pay off in the long run and you won't have to think about the 'what if's' by not giving it a go.

Unknown said...

Yeah I reckon you can sniff it,
As for the business, sounds like you are considering everything pretty carefully, make sure you get good advice from an expert!

Karen said...

Go for it hun! You never know what you are capable of achieving until you give it a go! And then you won't live the rest of your lives thinking "what if"...
Have a great weekend...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great opportunity and if it doesn't work out, you just go back to what you're doing now. I would say go for it.