Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This weather is driving me nuts!

honestly its just awful! its sunny and hot one minute, so i go out, put the washing out, do lots more washing, then it rains, have to bring in the wet washing and add it to the rest of the growing wet washing pile, then its sunny and hot again, back outside, but wait, its spitting again, oh yes, here comes the downpour! one minute i have all the windows open as its so hot (the sun just completley fills out lounge and bedroom, heats it nicely) then it clouds over and its SO cold!

my little gripe for the day :) lol cmon im pregnant ive got to have one!!!

things have been quite good today, Darryl left for work at 9am... which meant i got out of bed at 9am! nice! but once i was up i couldnt stop vomiting for a good couple of hours, was awful, but that seems to be over for the day, touch wood! so i have spent the day doing some housework, and sitting on the floor (ouch!) with Kaylee playing games, its been good, she has actually gone to sleep today (becoming a bit of a battle at the moment, but i want her to keep up her day sleeps as long as possible, she definatly needs them) so im enjoying my quiet time, and vine tomatos on toast with salt! YUM!

im finding myself getting quite sore towards the end of the day and VERY tired, yesterday i went out for a walk with my SIL and her daughter (same age as Kaylee) and took the kids to the park, i was exhausted from it last night! lol i could hardly walk! i think i have lost SO much energy during this pregnany (and about 5 kilos too....) i need to keep up regular walks just to get through the marathon that is Labour!!!! so im trying to get out as much as possible, whether it just be to the shops for a wander or take Kaylee to the park. eventually i will feel more energetic im sure!

Food is still a huge issue for me, but its more lack of it, im not eating, i will have a couple of manderins and a peice of toast to eat, for a whole day, but its just all i can manage! yesterday i finally managed some breakfast, a small bowl of Sultana Bran and a juice, i was SO full all day, i didnt eat again until dinner time (spagetti bolognaise) which i might add has to be the MOST i have eaten in a day for a longggg time! i know that my baby is growing fine, but i also know that i have to keep up my strength and appetite in order to keep this baby healthy and fine so its just something that plays in the back of my mind a bit, my midwife or doctor isnt worried, but i hope as long as i keep whatever i put into my mouth as healthy as possible then im doing the best i can.


Rachel said...

You poor thing throwing up all morning, how horrible BUT on the good side - look at the weight you are losing..........LOL. I don't know if I told you this or not but I was sick for 9 months with number 1 son and 7 months with number 2 and ended both pregnancies lighter than when I started but both boys were very healthly and a great size so they hadn't suffered at all with me being sick constantly - so don't worry too much.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Ugh, it sucks the big arse that you are still so sick!!

Ang said...

What about those up and go drinks?? maybe a sip here and there through the day. You need food for energy, so no wonder you feeling buggared. hmmm the joys of being pregnant ay?

Karen said...

Bugger hun that you are still so unwell.... I do hope you feel better real soon. I must admit I am jealous that you have lost 5 kilos but am not jealous of the way you have lost it... I have gained about 5 kilos (well at last weigh in anyway!).
Like Ang says - those "Up and Go" drinks are supposed to be quite good if you just sip them slowly.
Take care and big hugs to you

Kate said...

Ew, those up and go things are foul! Lol. Just my 2 cents.

You were like that with Kaylee though eh? Like you didn't put on much weight, and couldn't eat much?

I hope today is a spew free day!

I know what you mean about the energy thing - we thought it was hard last time around, but this time there is no spare energy left!

Hows Becca and Riley doing?