Thursday, May 25, 2006

Just BLAH!

ohhhhh bring on the next couple of spew free days... yesterday and today have been just awful! i think the nausia is way more debilitating than the actual vomiting! i just cant do anything! my house is once again a bomb site and i only cleaned and vacuumed it yesterday! a little hurricane called Kaylee...... ive had another headache for the past couple of days, no where near as bad (or in the same place) as the headache i had before i got my glasses (that one was behind my eyes, so i knew it was an eye thing) its just dull and throbbing and yuk, when i put Kaylee down for her sleep today, she actually went to sleep straight away, so i climbed into my nice warm comfy bed and slept for a couple of hours too, problem was when Kaylee woke up, i wasnt ready to!

ok on to nicer things! im feeling baby kick so often, its just wonderful to be able to feel so early, i never felt a thing with Kaylee until well past 20 weeks, so this is just something special, i dont know whether or not they can hear in the womb yet, but every time Kaylee puts her head on my tummy and talks to me (somethign she has always done, i think its nice and soft and comfy for her! lol) the baby kicks, thats just started in the last few days, so its very cool.

im feeling SO much more on top of things financially and emotionally, (emotionally wont last, hell im pregnant! lol) i went and saw our Accountant yesterday and sorted out a lot of money business, it was great to do, i have in the past never had anything to do with the business (we are self employed) but thought it was in need of tighter controls, so we are in for a couple of years of tightening the belt a little bit, but at the end of that we will be soooo much better off financially, both personally and within the business, huge relief to do this, and huge relief to find out we arent in as bad a position as what i thought we were, nice!

My lovely mother has offered to have Kaylee for a week, a whole week! weekend to weekend! not for another month or so, and of course we will miss her like anything, but im already writing a list of what i can get done without my "little helper" who really doesnt help very much! not to mention what Darryl and i will do! lol saving wont happen that week we have decided, we will go out to dinner, go to the movies (maybe a couple of times!) and do things like we a childless again! im SO looking foward to it, but have to write a big list of everything i need to do during the day, because i will get lonely and bored at home!

i popped out to the shops today to get some trackpants for Kaylee to wear around home (she has very little in the way of winter clothes unfortunatly) and i got Darryl the new Tool CD, his treat for the week, he was very happy i brought that for him! and i got a couple of wee bodysuits and some socks (all blue for a boy!) for my friend who has just given birth. ohh, and my daily limit of Manderins... lol its the only thing that sort of seems to stay down! i really didnt enjoy going shopping (i usually LOVE shopping!) as i was battling nausia and my head hurt... but i needed to get out of the house for a bit... i should of really stayed home! lol

i probably gloat about Darryl heaps, but he has just been fantastic through all of this, if im too bad, he comes home, makes sure im comfy and have everything i need, then gets him and Kaylee some dinner, baths her, puts her to bed, s o m e t i m e s does the dishes, i couldnt ask for better really, he feels so helpless when im vomiting or cant move, he hates it, but i think hes doing blardy well really.

i shouldnt even be on the computer really... my head hurts! back to bed i think!!!


Karen said...

*hugs* for you and your headaches hun - hope you are feeling better real soon.
Hmmm the week with no Kaylee sounds like you have lots planned *wink wink* :)
And Darryl does sound wonderful - just wish he could teach Steph a thing or two... but perhaps Steph MIGHT get better once bubs comes along.

Kate said...

Oooh a whole week by yourselves - how devine! Do you have one of those entertainment books? They are great for finding things to do and they give you such a great discount on things!

Sorry you still have your headache this morning. Hope you feel better as the day goes on.

Yay for feeling lots of kicks, that's just gorgeous!

Rachel said...

A whole week of being childless.....bliss!
Sorry to hear you are still so ill, I hope that gets better soon (nothing worse ah?).
I also have a very supportive, helpful husband and it makes the world of difference.

Ang said...

You are one lucky lady!! but then I'm sure he's one lucky man.

Hope the headache disappears quick smart.