Saturday, May 27, 2006

Feeling much better!

Yesterday however was another story, i was so sure i was going to pass out from the pain, i had the WORST migraine you could ever imagine, OMG ever tried looking after your child when you can barely move yourself! Not nice! Darryl kept (every time i rang him!) trying to help, he couldnt get away from work, but he was like "call so and so to pick up Kaylee....ok what about so and so.....ok what about so and so!" etc, ohhhhh nooooo i could never ever let ANYONE see what i was like yesterday! i was shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

so of course my daughter gets into mischief like above..... lol dolly is ruined, but its a priceless pic if ever i saw one! dont look at my dirty kitchen floor, it hasnt been mopped in over a week, now its smeared in butter! a new job for today!

Today i woke up a lot easier, Darryl has instructed me not to do a thing, he has done EVERYTHING with Kaylee today including taking her to work with him, then he is coming home and we will pop out to the shops to get new pillows (every 6 mths we go pillow shopping... im a pillow geek! lol) but last time we went pillow shopping we "settled" for what we could find, and we both hate them, so we will hit Arbuckles, Farmers and the warehouse to see what nice ones they have! and a new cup for Kaylees night milk, shes ruined every single teat for her bottles so on to a cup now! but she wont use her normal cups, very fussy my child, but she still loves her milk and im not going to deprive her of that!

Darryl and i were talking last night, he was asking if i would like to get a 4d scan done (over twice the price of a normal scan at the place we go to) we have agreed to think about it, as it does cost $180 but i have a few weeks before we will get it done, so we have agreed maybe we can save for it and then decide what to do, we really didnt want to find out the sex of this bubba, however as it will be our last, and 4D scans are new (werent around when Kaylee was born) we want to experiance everything we can, if that makes sense, and we know there is a large risk of seeing what sex baby is with 4D, actually from what ones i have seen its pretty damn obvious! lol we are both really excited about this baby being born, very excited about Kaylee becoming a big sister, hopefully her little brother or sister wont get a facial... but we are sure that she will be just great. also a little sad that this will be our last baby, but happy that i wont be pregnant again, if that makes sense, i really dont agree with being pregnant!

anyway, now onto the housework! have a great weekend!


Kate said...

Yay I'm so glad you are feeling better, and lmao that doll pic is priceless!!

We somehow got free 4D scans? I'm not sure if it was just for a small time to promote them or what - but I would say, ring and check how much they will actually take of the 4D stuff because for ours it was like 3 or 4 five second snippets - so really I wouldn't think it was worth that much. Although it was gorgeous, they do the normal scan, and then just switch it to 4D for the clear face shots. So worth checking out before they charge you mega bucks!!

Lol, do you get all new pillows every 6 months?

Karen said...

Glad you are feeling better mate! And I am so jealous of 4D scans - I asked about them down here and they don't do them though I have heard if you go privately there may be one place that does them.... but they are very pricey indeed!
LOL @ new pillows every 6mths! :) Though my friend Jude was like that too - she was so pillow fussy! LOL I used to give her such a hard time about that! :)

Rachel said...

What an great photo to have when Kaylee get older (and her own kids). Sorry to hear about your migrane.....noting worse!
That 4D scan would be sooooooo exciting.

Leighanne said...

The 4d scan would be cool - I would have got it done for my boys if I could!!

Glad you are feeling better