Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday... Rainy Sunday....

Dont leave all your washing until the end of the week like me... because like here it WILL rain and you wont get much done at all... not to mention the washing line full of really WET towels! lol

ive been trying to talk Darryl into going over to Australia for a week or so before baby comes, its something we will need to save for and plan now, but its also something i have NEVER done before and with 2 kids, well, cant see it happening for a while! i have never been out of the North Island, i dont even own a passport but i would love to go to Queensland. we would get mum to watch Kaylee for a week and Darryl and I will pop over on our own, i REALLY want to go to Australia ZOO (holy crap its expensive! $43 Australian per adult!!) as im a bit of a closet Steve Irwin fan (yes ruuuuuuuurrrlyy) lol

i popped out earlier today to do the food shopping, thank goodness it wasnt raining when i got there, as it wasnt too busy, but man as soon as the rain started, the people came! usually Darryl comes with me and its something we do together (saves us both buying treats and things we dont need as we control each other!) so i dont do the trolly pushing, man people are rude with their trollys! hog the isles! leave their trolly in the middle of the isle to go back and get something! i mean HELLO have you never heard of KEEP LEFT!!! lol. i got some lovely fresh fruit and veggies, im not doing much meat lately, wayyyyy too heavy for me, although my MS has died down considerable and my face is starting to clear up WOOOHOOO im still finding red meat and even chicken, just too heavy for me, fish is ok, but usually i just stick to pasta or rice and veggies.

ive noticed that im eating a lot less now, i am eating half as much at dinner time and lunch time, still cant do breakfast, but thats ok, sculling down litres of water a day to replace the litres of pee! lol so really i shouldnt of been all that surprised when i stepped on the scales yesterday, but i was! i was really expecting to gain 5+ kilos since the time i got pregnant (the last time i weighed myself) due to my immobility and sitting around on the couch under my duvet!! however i have actually lost around 3kg which of course is just fine by me! lol i honestly thought i had gained, i cant fit a lot of my clothing at the moment (my waistline is RAPIDLY expanding!) so yes a lovely surprise today! lol the next time i will weigh myself will probably be just before i pop i think, scales can go back into the cupboard!

while i was out shopping Darryl had cleaned and vacuumed the spare room and our bedroom, and we can actually walk into our walk in wardrobe again! lol i still had a tonne of wedding stuff on the ground!

im so pissy at the wedding photographer, we STILL dont have our album, and of course in the Album is the list of people we are to thank for contributing to our wedding, its driving me mental, its been nearly 2 mths already! so Darryl and i had a chat last night and we will just send the cards out to the people who we KNOW contributed (i.e gave us cash or told us - that i can remember anyway!) then at least we have most of the cards out, but man its dragging on! makes me a bit angry because im sure the oldies (and i say that in the nicest possible way) are bitching about no acknowledgement for their generous gifts. so tonight i will try to get addresses on most of the cards to post out, doesnt help that i have lost my address book (yes AGAIN!) lol i think that was like my 4th one since meeting Darryl! lol

such is life!


Karen said...

The photos are so cute - she is looking so grown up! :) Wow almost 2 already! I do love the gumboots though as I am a huge pooh bear fan! LOL
Yay for feeling better and the MS subsiding...
Have a good week hun.

Kate said...

I can't believe you are nearly 10 weeks! Wow! (It's gone so fast - LOL - just kidding!).

Sounds like a great idea for a trip to Aussie - how nice would that be to look forward to?!! :-)

Ang said...

:) Go the gumboots!!!!

Bummer bout the washing! Always the way.