Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How Clean is Your House??

i LOVE watching this program! lol Darryl hates it, but it makes me feel SOOOO good, even though im not the best housewife in the world, even when its at its messiest my house is SO clean and SO tidy compared to these people! lol my weekly reassurance that i am indeed doing OK!

for people who dont know, its a TV program, aimed (i think) to help people get into a clean routine in their house, which starts off absolutly discusting, and it shows all the grime, germs and yukkyness that these people live in, then they get a cleaning crew in and show it all clean, its so gross and like HELL would i ever show the world how i live! lol

We have just got back from Orewa, we went to pick up a Tricycle for Kaylee, $35 and it was almost like brand new! score! its the perfect size for her now, so once she learns to peddle and not get off and push it, it will be great! lol

I found out today that my sister (Adele, 17) who was sick while we were down there (we thought it was just the UTI she was diagnosed with), has the Measles! Yay... NOT i dont know what that means for Kaylee and I, but really i think we are going to have to be Hermits for a while to wait and see whether or not we get them, (cant spread the germs incase we do have it aye!) im also not sure what it means for baby or anything else, but we will just wait for now, see what happens, sux, because i cant go anywhere anyway really as i dont have a warrant on the car (Darryl does that, its a business thing) and he keeps forgetting to do it, as well as a child who still has a bit of diorrehea, not to mention the fact that my eyes are so bad right now and i desperatly need glasses, so thats next weeks job! lol enough reasons not to go anywhere?? lol

gunna go to bed and watch some GOOD telly now, LOST!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Eeek - hope you guys don't get the measles! But yeah, a good reason to stay home.

I haven't watched that programme. I don't think I could handle it since I'm the cleaning freak (not that my house is spotless, lmao - far from it!).