Saturday, April 08, 2006

ahhh the weekend!

Kaylee woke up at 7am this morning, i put the TV on for her and gave her a bottle, lol short lived, i climbed back into bed, she followed, little monkey, i tried letting Darryl have a sleep in, she screamed the house down! we ended up watching tv in bed with her! i think the terrible twos are here :) Darryl and Kaylee got up to have breakfast etc, lol i fell back to sleep until 10.30! NICE!

i love having Darryl home in the weekend, usually he works on a Saturday too, so today is extra nice, just spending time together at home, we will probably go out a little later, but its pissing down now, so not just yet!

im feeling better today, not sure if its the extra sleep, or having Darryl home, or a combination of both, im dressed properly, my hair is done (apart from the dark roots, i SO need a new dye done!) and i have a bit of makeup on, all helps in the big scheme of things :)

not much else to say, will be back tomorrow with what i actually did this weekend :) hopefully something! lol

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