Thursday, April 27, 2006

Brain Fade.....

Suffering big time from this lately! Baby brain, booby brain, hormone brain, what ever you want to call it, i have it! lol so dense right now!

Yesterday was good, popped out to see Kate and Amelia (or miamia as Kaylee calls her! lol so cute) Kaylee and Amelia had a bit of fun playing and i said to Kate, "remember when we could chat without someone interrupting?" lol we both get "mummmmmm, MUMMMMM MUMMMMMMM!!!" lol hard case, neither of us would change things for the world, but as these kids get older they do get more demanding, but they also act like little sponges soaking up all the info around them, its really cool to see! we have to start planning the 2nd birthdays soon, only 2 months away, thats not long at all!! both of course on the 10th of July, Darryl and I have decided to keep it nice and quiet this year, had over 50 guests for her first birthday! and just invite close friends and immediate family, even then its around 20 odd people, gets busy!

Then after Kates i popped straight out to Milford and picked up my nice sparkly new still in the box Mountain Buggy! NICEEEEEE Kaylee and I christened it this morning when we popped down to the shops for some milk, bread and a trashy mag for mum! but it was good to finally pick it up and had a good chat to the lovely lady who sold it to me, i will go back there in a couple of weeks (when i have saved some more pingas) and get the basinett attachment for the buggy so baby can lie flat and is rugged up safe and warm. im very much looking foward to this baby coming, but at the same time glad that it is 28 weeks away! lol

i have decided that im gunna be a bitch and never lend anything out again, its too much hassle, i lent out all my baby stuff, most of which came back looking like shit, some stuff has never come back and the people swear they never had it, or maybe they gave it to such and such... there has been only one person (ok i will still lend to her if the time arises again) that treats things nicely and washes them properly (how hard is it to wash clothes!) and gives EVERY little sock and bootie back to me, so for this baby i have to go out and buy most things new, all over again, THEN i will sell on TM straight away! i cannot be bothered any more, i lend things out in good faith, i myself have never been lent a thing (the bad thing or maybe good depending on how you look at it! about having the first baby) and of course im just too nice (stop laughing, i am!) to say anything or express my dissapointment in how my things have come back! so NO MORE i say! lol

i have Oprah on and Neil Diamond (dude looks like hes had a bit of botox!) is playing... SWEEEET CAROLINNNNNNEEE!!! bit of a sing along! lol i like old music, all the stuff mum used to play when i was a kid, i used to tell her to turn this crap off! now i like it! lol

Anyway, today we had a house inspection, we get on with our Landlords so well, (property managers, not the owner, we dont deal with her, but shes nice too) and then Darryls sister and her daughter came over for lunch (foccocia, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese, beetroot & picked cucumbers!) and the girls had a bit of a play which tired Kaylee out nicely, she is now in bed asleep! hopefully stay that way!

i have just had a craving for Just Juice iceblocks, i have some JJ in the fridge, out comes the iceblock thingis i think! lol YUM!


Kate said...

Hehe, I have that baby brain bad too! Forgot that one of my best friends is graduating tonight and having drinks in town. Ooops. I'm not going to go, but still I feel bad I forgot!

The buggy sounds nice - we will have to take our monsters and nice new babies to the zoo or for a walk somewhere!

Yum the iceblocks sound nice :-)

Ang said...

:) Glad everything is going well. You sound positive.
Take care

Leighanne said...

Glad things are going well:)

I only lent the baby things that didn't matter if I didn't give them back - I hate lending things, and the stuff is not looked after! Hubby lent out his boat last weekend and everything came back soaked...he was not impressed!

P.S was looking for your email addy - but could not find one!