Thursday, January 19, 2006

Meet Tara!

its getting closer to the time, 23 more sleeps according to Jo, yes i have almost daily updates on how long there is left, its pretty cool (i think Jo is more excited than me!) but very scary knowing that the days are flying!

I got a new veil today, i did get one from TradeMe but it was crap, made of curtain material, not bridal stuff, and this new one is very nice, being a first and (cross fingers) only time bride i had no idea what a veil was meant to feel/look like! My bridesmaid Belinda is fixing up the old veil (still brand new, just crap!) and we will sell it again on TradeMe! it looks a million times better now with what B has done to it than it did before, but still, its not me, this new one is much better! oh and i also got a ring pillow today! very nice one, perfect for the dogs (Tara) collar! i dont think you have had the pleasure of meeting Tara before, she is a huge part of our life, so is obviously going to be part of the wedding, the ring bearer dont ya know! she is a 3 year old English Springer Spaniel and is just amazing around Kaylee and a real hard case of a dog! so once she is all groomed unsmelly and looking beautiful with a satin ribbon and a ring pillow, she will be a wonderful part of our wedding too.

i had a pedicure today, omg i will so be getting one once a month, i am loving having no dead skin (sorry if tmi i have crap feet) lovely smooth soles, and perfectly manicured toes, i feel so nice! like a well groomed woman for once! and i got a lovely surprise! Darryls sister paid for it without me knowing! and i got given a $50 voucher on top of that from the people who do the beauty therapy! so i have booked another pedicure the friday before the wedding, the same day my nails are being done, so i will have beautiful hands and feet! so spoilt!

Is anyone else in NZ loving all the cool crime, forensic, real life storys on at the moment! not only do we have the CSI's etc, but the true ones rock as well! im a real freak i guess, i find death (like murder etc,) horrible and sad, but so fascinating how they work out who did it!

Darryls stag night is tomorrow night, my hens night is the night after, im a bit nervous as it sounds like Belinda has some horrible wig for me to wear! Kate! help! i am really the type of person who gets upset at being embarressed, i hate it and i really want to just enjoy my night and not be embarressed at all by anything. i dont mind wearing it at home later, just out at the restaurant i would so rather not! but we will see, im very strong willed and usually get my own way...... ha!


Kate said...

Hehe, OMG!! Don't worry - I'll be on your side and try and convince them you don't need to wear a wig - lol. I would hate it too! I'm looking forward to a night out though - how exciting!

14pk said...

oooooooooo a hens night HOW EXCITING. you'll have a great night..!!!!!

sooooooooo close to your wedding HOW EXCITING!!!!!