Sunday, January 22, 2006

Everybody else is doing it, so why cant I!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago? i was 14 years old, very alone at school, not a good year for me, so in love though, i was in love with a guy i went out with at 13, only went out for a week, wanted him the whole time at college, turns out he didnt think i did, i didnt think he did, we hooked up after school ended. didnt work, i was too pushy, he was too busy.... i still think about him, wonder what hes up to (not in a love way, jsut a wondering way)

2. What were you doing a year ago?living with my 6 mth old daughter and of course Darryl, my sister was living with us for a short time, i was (and still am) a stay at home mum, suffering from horrible post natal depression and trying to pretend i wasnt....

3. Five snacks I enjoy: Grapes, Camembert cheese and bbq rice crackers, pretzels, Hummus and Pita bread, chocolate!

4. Five songs to which I know all the lyrics: ohh so many, im a music freak! Girls just wanna have fun!, just a girl, Ironic, Dead or Alive, why does love do this to me

5. Five things I would do if I were a (MULTI!!) millionaire: buy several cars, several properties, design my own dream home, travel the world, adopt a few babies from war torn countries

6. Five Bad Habits: biting my nails (although i havent done it for 4 weeks now! go me!!) spend wayyy too much time on the internet (esp trademe!) drink too much wine/rum/beer, swear (im SO bad! totally amazed that Kaylee has not yet said a naughty word, i so have a potty mouth!) leaving the clean washing unfolded for ages!! (i have a portacot set up in our bedroom, gets filled with clean washing!!!)

7. Five Things I Enjoy Doing , going to the beach, listening to music, reading, scrapbooking, spending time with just Darryl, Kaylee and myself

8. 5 Things I Would Never Wear (or buy or get); Blue Mascara, scrunch socks, a mini skirt, stilleto heels, plastic earrings

9. Five favourite toys: AHEM!, my computer/internet/blog, my mobile phone, my car, my eftpos card (thats got to be a toy, the amount of pleasure i get from it!)


Kate said...

Speaking of toys of the eftpos variety... we must go shopping soon!! Maybe we will leave it till after the wedding, but soon!

Suzy said...

Sounds like your Hens night was fun.

Isn't it funny how we still think of old school crushes.

Yes, I love my spending cards as well!

Sue said...

Yay for not biting your nails for 4 weeks!

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Yep, I still "wonder" about my old boyfriend as well, guess it's fairly normal!

Sorry to hear about the troubles with your dad, but sounds like you have come to some acceptance of the situation and can see past it to all the great things that lie ahead for you, Darryl & Kaylee.

Speaking of which, wedding plans seem to be coming along nicely - had to laugh at the veil story!! Sounds like you hens night was a blast - would have been better with a bunch of nudey Navy boys though, ha ha!!!