Friday, September 23, 2005

busy day!

we had a fantastic day today, thought it would rain us out on the way (was raining on the motorway) so we went to the zoo, then did a lap of western springs, although i really wasnt wearing the BEST shoes to do all the walking in, got blisters on my soles... oh well! then we went to the body shop sale, there was A LOT of Papaya shower gels lol but quite a few other things too, i got a couple of Dewberry shower gels (my fave) and a loofah and nail brush. Cost $17 for the lot! bargain!

i woke up this morning with a headache.... it has lasted all day, which has been horrid, cant shake it at all, so it will be an early night for me. im looking foward to the presentation in the morning, i am hoping though that this headache will be gone by then! time for a hot bath i think!

hey thanks everyone for your comments, its nice you are reading all about me, lol hope i dont bore you all too much and you come back again! im definatly taking all your comments on board, its really great to hear from you!

will post tomorrow after the presentation to let you know what i have decided!!!!


Me said...

Hope your headache is gone by the time you get this - there is nothing worse than a headache that hangs around like that.
Good luck for the Sure Slim seminar - I have heard that you do lose quickly but that once you start eating a more normal type of diet / food stuffs - you battle to keep it off - hope this works for you because, at the end of the day, that is what it is all about - finding out what works for you and sticking to it !
Good luck and take care !

Kate said...

Hope the presentation goes well, and hope it's something you can get really excited about :-)