Wednesday, October 12, 2005

yucky yucky yucky!

that is basically how i feel today, im not sick, i just feel crap, all i have done today is feel sorry for myself and eat, and eat, and eat, i havent done any housework, i havent done any exercise, i have done nothing. i actually feel ill thinking about it, thinking about all the food i have eaten. just sux

Kaylee has picked up on my mood and has been in a mood all day, maybe thats what has kicked off my mood, maybe its not, there is a few things at the moment not going the way i want them, i sound like a spoilt brat but i like it when everything runs smoothly aka the way I want them to go. so between Kaylees bad mood and my bad mood its been a pleasant household today.... not...

so really there is no positivity today from me.... im sorry.... i just cant feel happy, maybe after a good nights sleep i will be happier tomorrow, im just a bit all over the place i think, sorry this really isnt making sense, but its good to get it all out, just a down day really, havent had a down day for a while.... maybe today i will get it all out of my system for a while

i have a Tupperware party tonight, im so glad the lady wants a quick easy no fuss one, no cooking, no games, nothing, it will make my life so much easier because i really dont want to go out, i just want to go to bed

i will be happier tomorrow, i promise, and i hope your day was a lot better than mine


Kate said...

Poor you - I hate days like that. i've been eating non-stop today too, although I feel fine. Grrr. Hope tomorrow is better! I'll see you on Friday!

Leighanne said...

Get out of the house for some fresh air ~ you may feel better. Or if Kaylee has a sleep, have a nice relaxing bath:)
Hope your day is better tommorrow!

Elisa said...

I hope tomorrow is better for you...if the sun is shining get out in it. Days like these are the pits.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Stink, hate feeling down like that! Agree with Leighanne - talk Kaylee out for a walk in the fresh air. Its not quite sunny, but its not raining either :-)

Hope tomorrow is a better day.