Thursday, October 20, 2005

day 2, much easier!

ok, today has been a LOT easier than yesterday, for breakfast i had Yoghurt and strawberries, lunch was salmon, beans and cucumber and tomato 3 cruskits and some almonds and dinner was chicken, brocolli, cauli and beans and of course an apple!

i wasnt as hungry today as i was yesterday, i did have a bite of Kaylees vegemite sandwhich at around 3pm, im finding the carbs really hard to let go, but hey if i only had a bite its better than 4 slices isnt it?

i did fill a pot up of peppermint tea and drink a bit of that today too which i think helped a fair bit too, but i have drunken well over 3L of water and tea today and the toilet has been a constant room of mine today!

but all in all a good day today :) and yes i did go for a walk again this morning, looking at the weather at the moment though im hoping it clears up tomorrow so i can walk again, i dont have a rain cover for Kaylees pushchair though so its unfair to take her out in the weather. lets hope for fine weather again!!

Parent and Child show is next weekend, friday, saturday and sunday, i went last year and had a ball, got soooo much free stuff, so im looking foward to going again this year (Kate you still keen on coming with me??!! let me know!)

anyway early night for me! im going to bed!! :)


Kate said...

Glad it's getting easier! You are doing so well! Yep still keen to come but will have to see what I have on that weekend - maybe we could even go on the Friday, but would have to take the bubs then.

Suzy said...

Glad today was better than yesterday. I had a week of not many carbs on a week long detox that I did before I started on the WW points plan and it was hard. By the end of the week I was used to it, but the first couple of days were hell. I know what you mean about being used to eating quite a bit of bread. Will you be able to eat it after a while? Hope so, in moderation.
Anyway you are very brave and you are doing well.