Sunday, October 23, 2005

Long weekend!

Finally we have lovely weather again, isnt it stunning!

im finding the eating so much easier now, although i have been known to sneak a bite of Kaylees vegemite sandwhich! i still really miss bread and rice and pasta ALOT but i will get over it!

Darryl said to me that when i lose 10kgs (which will put me under 100! finally!) he will take me out to dinner at a yummy thai restaurant in Takapuna, so thats a treat i am looking foward to

im not so hungry in between meals any more and im finding myself getting stronger every day.

just realised i have only had 3 glasses of water today and its already 3pm! so that is something i have to work towards today.

when i first started this blog i was talking about the small steps i was taking to eat normally again. i have found this so much easier to stick to because of the small steps than anything else i have ever done, now im training my body, thanks to SS to think of food as fuel, and yummy food, like chocolate, chips, pasta etc as special treats which i can have occassionally.

breakfast yesterday was 2 eggs and half a tomato, and that actually kept me going until lunch, for lunch i had fruit and yoghurt, and for dinner i had some chicken and salad, breakfast today was eggs and tomato again (its yum!) lunch was shrimps and salad with strawberries for dessert and dinner will be chicken kebabs, steamed brocolli and salad. which reminds me i have run out of lettuce! so you can see the choices i am making are very healthy, im using a lot of stock (vegge, chicken, beef etc) in my cooking, its very tasty and healthy way of cooking.

my fave thing at the moment is frying some chicken (non stick pan) in some Thai seasoning (masterfoods) and adding brocolli and chicken stock, cook until brocolli is done and chicken stock evapourated, it makes a yum lunch or dinner!

I have been out every day this week for a walk (oh except for yesterday, but i did the food shopping in peak time, does that count?) and have just been out in the garden, lol im a cheat, ive pulled all the weeds and will get Darryl to spray the garden to stop anymore coming through!!

Day off again for Darryl tomorrow, so im looking foward to another lovely family day! i love it when hes home, Kaylee is easier to handle, i dont have to worry about the housework (which basically means we dont do any in the weekend, its OUR time) and we do just whatever, no routine, no plans, just relax

thanks everyone for all your comments and emails, its really cool to see that there are people reading about me, im honoured! lol


Kate said...

I'm so proud of you and so pleased you are going so well! I can't wait to hear about your first weigh in :-) Gorgeous pics of your gorgeous girl by the way!

Anonymous said...

awesome that everything is going good for you! love the photos of the kids-what a crack up!