Wednesday, October 05, 2005

shopping! yes AGAIN!!!

we have a wedding to go to on Saturday, im really looking foward to it, it will be a lovely family (Darryls side) affair, and i cant wait to get all dressed up, but what a MISSION it has been to find some lovely clothing! lol so i went shopping with Darryls sister Rochelle and her daughter Maia (age 16mths)

Kaylee was a little B**CH the whole way around the shops, omg it drove me nuts. it was so embarrassing, everyone stops and stares and tututs.... she eventually fell asleep though, so i got most things done!

as i am tall its a mission to find pants that are long enough, BUT i am so happy i found 2 pairs today, + 1 other shop that has them a bit longer too, so i got a pair from the warehouse for $20 they look OK, but i found a nicer pair from Shantons, for $20! score! i also brought myself some new shoes, they are very pretty, lol they have a small heel on them so dont make me too much taller than i already am, and they came in my size! lol another mission is finding shoes that fit! but i found a new shop that has shoes that go up to my size! YEAH! ROCK ON!! lol then i went on a Jewellery mission, had to have nice jewellery with nice clothing! and i found everything i liked at Farmers of all places, and so when i get the top i won off trademe i have a nice outfit for the wedding! im hoping the top is what im expecting otherwise im screwed!!

I havent drunk as much water as i have wanted today, mostly because i have been out i think, i get carried away and forget to drink, i did have a bottle of Diet coke and a few glasses of water once i got home and with dinner (pork stirfry) so even though i havent drunken much, at least i have had some! i had Sushi for lunch, which was one of the more healthier choices in the food court, the other being Subway, so i think i did ok, i did forget to have brekkie today, i didnt realise until lunch!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Yay for shopping! I was going to ring you up and see if you wanted to come out shopping today (more like coffee and chat!), but the thought of the mall just makes me feel sick with all the school kids still off... last day of holidays though - woohoo!