Tuesday, October 17, 2006


hi de hi campers!

Not too much going on here, just trying to take it easy, however im having a huge nesting spell at the moment, lmao you should of seen me bossing Darryl around last night, "put these here, NO HERE! ok no not there.... yeah where you had them..." hahaha a LOT of rolled eyes going on from him i tell you! i have this NEED to get things sorted and tidyed and washed and cleaned, my job for the next few days is to wash the inside of all the windows in the house, and clean the sills, seems like ive only just done them and i need to do them again, one of these constant jobs i guess!

i have been having little niggly pains on and off for the past few days, no painfree Braxton Hicks anymore, but just SOOOO different than with Kaylee, i never had any pains UNTIL i was in labor! now every little pain i get i have to stop getting excited, yesterday arvo and last night was pretty painful though, took panadol and went to sleep with my wheatbag, only (yeah ONLY!) woke 3 times to pee last night, has to be a record! so i really felt like i got some sleep, the night before was awful, couldnt get to sleep until 11.30pm and woke again about 1am and clock watched until 6am where i finally fell asleep until about 9. so last nights sleep was very much needed!

im very much looking foward to going out tonight to dinner with the Auckland bloggers, very cool, i cant wait to meet you all! ill be the one with the huge belly btw! haha! (and sober as a mule and drinking only LLBs! haha!)

anyway better go back to doing the mummy thing! i have my neice here at the moment too, so better feed them!

will see some of you tonight!!!


Kate said...

Hehe, I'll be sober as too - since money is an issue! Oh, and the fact I am driving.

I had crampy 'am i in labour?' pains for 4 weeks before Natalia was born. My midwife said that second and subsuquent pregancies irritate your uterus more, or something.

p.s. no baby yet - c-section looks imminent - will tell u all about it tonight :-)

Karen said...

Enjoy your dinner tonight and your LLB's! :)
I am still trying to find this nesting urge everyone talks about... LOL cause believe me there is quite a bit around here that needs doing like dusting etc but I just don't have the energy at this stage :(
Take care xx

Crafty Japan said...

I'm not sure if it's the same thing (or fear of embarrassment) but I cleaned the WHOLE apartment, including wiping all the floors, cleaning cooktop, cooktop wall, bookshelf etc before the Baby Shower on Saturday. Bloody hard work over 2 days, but felt so good afterwards.

Am having niggly pains occasionally, but not really sure how to classify them. So hope they somehow are gonna help me when labour really hits tho

Rachel said...

Have a wonderful dinner, can't wait to hear all about it.

Funny how 2 pregnancies can be so different aye?

Not long now :)