Saturday, October 21, 2006

Moving along

Not too much has been going on the last few days, but just thought i would give an update, just in case anyone was worried! (haha! :p)

Still having very regular BH contractions, some dont bother me, some i really have to stop what im doing and breathe a bit! I noticed from about yesterday arvo some of my mucus plug is starting to come away, and (ew probably tmi, sorry, but this is my diary so i have to say to keep record!) looser bowel motions too. so things are definatly happening, but then things could still be a few weeks away yet, you just never know when it comes to having a baby, they usually start arriving when you least expect it! My midwife however is back from today YAHHOOOO!! and i see her again on Tuesday morning first thing, which im looking foward to.

ive had a cruisy day today, i went out this morning, leaving Darryl and Kaylee at home (doing housework, washing, cleaning! yay!) and popped into the Baby Factory to get a couple of car window blinds, a sleeping wedge and bassinett mattress protector, then popped into Pumpkin Patch to get a couple of things for Kaylee who is growing so fast out of all her clothing! (and shoes!) and got baby a cute little all-in-one which was on special (half price) so will add that to her collection of clothing, most of which has come from Trademe, god i love Trademe! lol what was my life without it!!

Then i stopped into the Bakery on the way home and got some fresh bread and a couple of slices for lunch, and Darryls parents popped in for lunch, so that was nice, entertained Kaylee quite well!

Darryl has just cleaned out the garage (well as much as you can with the amount of crap we have!) and has just gone to the clothing bins with bags and bags of my old clothes, which ROCKS because it means that i have NOTHING but maternity clothing now, lmao, no frumpy clothing, no blackblackblack and once baby is born, i will NEED to go clothes shopping and find clothes that fit nice and SUIT me! so im looking foward to that, i cant just go back to the frumpys and make-do!

i would LOVE to hire a wardrobe consultant... its on my list of things to do, but hmmm they are pretty expensive!! Xmas pressie from Darryl and the girls maybe?? we shall see!! one thing i will be definatly doing though is getting a makeup consult done where they will show me how to apply and hopefully i will be rid of my mask face once and for all! (yes i do know its there, no, i have NO idea what im doing wrong! haha)

anyway, its nana nap time, lol i might as well make the most of it now!!!

have a lovely long weekend if your having one, Darryl is back to work on Monday, but as he has had today and tomorrow off, its still a nice weekend! No idea what we are up to tomorrow, more relaxing? god i hope so!!!


Kate said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend! Just what you need before that bubby comes.

I was panicking today as we've just been to Joseph's parents for the afternoon and evening and I accidentely left my phone at home, was worrying you might be trying to contact me! Lol!

Unknown said...

Love the sound of your cruisy day - and good on you for biffing your wardrobe - what a great way to get a new one!LOL!