Thursday, October 19, 2006

37 weeks! YEEEHHAAAA!!!

Firstly, yesterday i hit the magical 37 week mark, means that baby can come at any time now, she is classed as "full term" so any time between NOW and 5 weeks time (god i hope not!) she will be in this world with us!

Blogger dinner on Tuesday night was lovely! was SO nice to meet everyone, a few people i didnt get to talk to as much as i would of liked, but im sure i will see them again some time! my photos didnt turn out too well at all, i have a nasty red eye habit and everything was just a little too dark... lmao, ahhh well budding photographer i am NOT! but have a look at Kates blog for pics. very friendly bunch of people, absolutly genuine beautiful woman, love it! and Thanks Lee-Anne for the LLB! you know what a preggy girl likes! haha! Also huge thanks to Emily for organising it, hopefully her, Phil and Jonny are having a fab time!! im sure they are!

Yesterday got a bit interesting, as ive nicely informed you all, ive been a bit leaky and achey the last 5 days or so, i rang the backup MW yesterday for a bit of a chat (my midwife is in Bali until about Sunday i think) and she was a bit worried that it may have been my waters leaking, so we dropped Kaylee off at Darryls sisters, and we toddled (or waddled!) into North Shore hospital, we hadnt as yet done a hospital tour, we werent intending to as we are planning on a home birth, but it was nice to have a look around (not with a tour though!) and see that the staff were lovely and friendly, the place was so clean and modern and didnt smell! (i have this thing with hospitals... i tend to get sick WHEN i go to them rather than going to them BECAUSE im sick.. its a smell thing, lmao...) so i had a lovely lie down for an hour or so, hooked up to a contraction moniter and a heartrate moniter, measuring my contractions (about every 5 minutes at the moment, just braxton hicks, lots i feel, lots i dont at the moment) and babys heartbeat, i also had a couple of tests done, but it looks like everything is A OK and we just wait it out now, was nice to meet the backup midwife too though because it looks like she will be the midwife my midwife calls for the homebirth (they have two in attendance for the birth)

Soooo lmao my hospital bag is packed and in the car just in case, the carseat is installed, just in case, Kaylees bags ive had packed for a couple of days (for if she stays away from home) and all we need now is a BABY! lmao you can come OUT now!!! :D


Crafty Japan said...

So, the verdict was just 'leakies' then? You've so reminded me I still have to pack my bag. Trouble is, I'm still using everything I wanna put in it :(

Rachel said...

How exciting......its getting close. Hopefully you will have a baby girl sooner rather than later (5 weeks OMG!).

Have you got anyone to inform us bloggers if you have had baby (ie. Kate) or are you going to just go missing and have us all panicing???

The countdown continues..........

Karen said...

I can relate to the bag packed and car seat installed for the "just in case" scenario :) My wee "scare" yesterday did that for me (and Steph)! LOL
Okay bags aren't in the car but they are all packed and in the bedroom waiting to be picked up!
So yes our babies can come out now - not that they listen to us at all...

Unknown said...

Oh so close now! how exciting! I hope that it all happens soon and it all goes well!
Good luck (just in case your bub is early!

Lee-Anne said...

You are a stunning woman. Pregnancy looks good on you. Look after bubs for just a wee bit longer, then she can come out.