Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Enough is enough!

im fat, i admit that, and i need to do something about it, no more procrastinating, no more bullshit, no more crap food! sure i enjoy it while im eating it, but my skin is suffering, my weight is suffering, i constantly feel bloated and im VERY self consious. so ive had enough and im going to do something about it.

i was going to wait until after Christmas, but then what will happen after Christmas, i will tell myself to wait until after my birthday, then after summer, then oh its winter, time to blob again.

i think not!

so heres what im going to do:

NO more sugar
NO more cakes, donuts, lollies, chocolate, icecreams
NO more chips
NO more takeaways (or at least if i do get takeout, make it sushi or subway or a Hell salad)

every damn day i have something sweet, and i cant just stop at 1, i have a whole packet of biscuits (between me and Darryl) or a whole bar of chocolate, its just got to stop! its not healthy!

i have such a bad attitude towards food, i use it as comfort, i use it as bribery, i use it as a best friend, but it shits on me because i put on weight, my skin is crap, and its the time of year where i show more skin and i look like Mr Blobby!

not cool!

so ive asked my dr for a "green Prescription" what is this you may ask? its a script for discounted Gym membership, hopefully i will be able to go back to Club Physical and move my big butt!

i have an exersize bike here that is just collecting dust, i need to start using it, we brought it for a reason, and now more than ever i need to use it.

so every day i will be posting on here (well i will try to every day!) what i have eaten, what exercise i have done and how i am feeling

ive started off well today, sultana bran for breakfast, and im going to be having Sushi for lunch (thanks Rochelle!) i just need to plan dinner, maybe a stirfry, or steak and salad, i will see what Darryl feels like when he gets home.

im going to do this, i need to do this, not for anyone else, but for myself, i dont have the excuse of being depressed, i dont have the excuse of the kids taking all my time, because they are in bed by 7 at the latest every night, and its still light enough for me to get out for a walk

i just need to get off my arse and do it

so i will :)


Anonymous said...

Hi - Im a "lurker", just de lurking. Ex kiwi, living in oz now. Love reading about your family life. I have 2 kids too, older than yours- much - but i remember the struggle. Will join u in the fitness/weightloss. Lost 23kg about 7 yrs ago and slowly over the last yr is creeping on. Good luck to us both - Marg

Joanna Blogs ;) said...

Hi, I found you with a blog search then a link...hehe.
I'm on the weight loss wagon too, doing Sureslim. Should really be updating my own blog but decided to have a browse around some others for inspiration. I can't find many doing SS, but still enjoy reading others journeys.

I got fed up too.
It's a brave move starting close to Christmas - best of luck to you!!! (Will check back and see how you're getting on!)


Rachel said...

Sing with me (by Olivia Newton John)


This is the song that was going through my head when I read you post.


Anonymous said...

Hey hun, gosh I could of wrote that myself hehe. Time to get my big booty moving too :) Glad to see your feeling better in your self tho, I havent read your blog in ages. YAY YOU! xox

Sandra said...

Good luck! I'm going to start something as well but I am waiting until after Christmas. I hear what you say about excuses but I won't let it be one and will start the first week of January on something... I'm thinking of trying weight watchers right now as I haven't done that for about 20 years!


Unknown said...


I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs. I have seen a photograph of yours that I find interesting and would like to request permission to include it in this book. If you think this is something you might be interested in please send me an email at and I will send along more details about the project. Hope to talk to you soon!



Note: In order to locate your image later it would be much appreciated if
you would include a link to this blog in your response. Thanks again!!