Wednesday, November 07, 2007


im sitting here (eating a bag of pineapple lumps...) thinking about sugar, i honestly cant get enough of it lately, and feel its turned into another addiction, im pretty sure that its possible to become addicted to sugar, and im embarressed to say just how much of it i have had recently, way too much!

so i have set myself a little challenge, and that is to wean myself off sugar, im sure my body and mind will thank me for it, i just need to get tough with myself, no more after dinner sweets, no more lunch time treats, no more mid morning snacks, i will take it one day at a time, starting first thing tomorrow morning, have a decent healthy breakfast (i have been skipping breakfast lately, probably my main reason for snacking) and start the day on the right foot

reckon i can do it?? lets give it a go!!

Olivias birthday went well, it was lovely to catch up with friends and family, we had a great time and the kids were shattered (as was i!) by the end of it, but all in all it was a great day, Olivia was wonderfully spoilt and i went the next day and spent all the pumpkin patch vouchers that we got! great fun!

im finding more and more each day that its so easy to do things with my children (something i struggled with since becoming ill) and that little things arent getting to me as much as they used to, i can cook, clean, play, laugh, joke, talk, all like normal again, i tell ya its wonderful!

i had another hospital appt the other day and my dr said to me that she thought the day would never come that i would be well again, im one of the sickest that they have ever had to deal with, so its such a relief for everyone involved that im finally well again!


Lil said...

So glad to hear that you're starting to feel better! I'm glad Olivia's birthday went well! :)
Luv Lil xox

Chris H said...

You have certainly come a long way Carla, I can't believe the Dr said that to you though! Where is the positivity in that statement? I am so glad you proved that Dr wrong and are feeling so much better.... woo hoo for shopping at Pumpkin Patch, they have some gorgeous clothes.

Rachel said...

Great news on the meds working and you feeling well again.

Sounds like Olivia had a wonderful 1st birthday (same day as my 6 year old) and got very spoilt...nice.

You can SO do the no sugar thing, just don't buy anything like that (pineapple lumps) and they won't be there to tempt you.
I find grapes stop my sugar cravings, give them a try.

Kim said...

Its so great to hear you sounding happier. Its amazing how just doing the small things makes you feel good.

I'm glad Olivia had a great birthday. Caitlyn's first party is in 10 days.

And good luck with the cravings. I'm still caving on the chocolate.

Tracy said...

You are sounding so much better. You have come such a long way over the last few months.

Kate said...

I am so SO glad you are feeling better babe!

Can't wait to see you and your gorgeous girls! It's been far too long.

Tania said...

Glad to hear that things are improving for you!