Monday, July 02, 2007

another update

First of all, what you will read below may shock you, but you know me by now, i tell it as it is, i dont mince my words, and i believe in by me being honest, you all will learn and appreciate more how Mental Illness affects people.

SO where have i been since i last updated

A fukken mess quite honestly.

what scares me most is the fact i thought i had hit rock bottom. but no, i was far from it.

i have been getting less and less sleep, most nights surviving on 2-3 hours, so i started on some sleepy pills, unfortunatly, they werent the best type for me. i had a bit of a reaction to them (in my head) so instead of having a calming affect, they had the complete opposite effect. i went crazy. i started to beat myself up, punching myself in the head, banging my head on the floor, bedhead, wall, Darryls knees and elbows (while he was trying to restrain me) quite honestly i completely and utterly lost the plot. it wasnt me, but it was me. and that petrifys me.

I was aware of what i was doing, i remember parts (not all) of it, Darryl got his sister to come over to help and she called an ambulance. i remember the Ambulance officer dude sitting on the floor beside me (i was lying on the ground, Darryl was ontop of me holding me down) asking if i wanted to go with them, i was like WTF of course i dont! then i bashed my head on the floor, the ambo guy got a bit strict with me then, i was either going with them, or i was getting a police escort because they would call them out. i couldnt understand why because i hadnt done anything illegal, but i co-operated with them. i didnt want the police over! bad enough having an ambulance parked in my driveway!!!

So off to the hospital i went, i cant remember much at all of it, just remember coming home again, darryls mum picked us up (Darryls sister and mum were at the hospital for a bit) and Olivia was in the back seat, and i was so relieved to see her.

Kaylee has been at mums for the last week, which has been great, she came home yesterday, so i need to learn how to be a mum to a toddler again, hard work.

anyway, im on so much medication its not funny, im on Anti-depressents, anti-psycotics (to calm me before bed) and sleeping pills, and im STILL not getting any sleep, last night was amazing at 7 hours, its the first time in a long time i have had that much, the night before was 2 hours and the night before that was 3 hours.

im in close contact with a Mental health team, they ring me or visit me daily, keep a very close eye on my medication, and ive also had respite nurses here on a 24 hour basis, they have also been amazing, my angels i call them, they do an awesome job. we are down to a respite nurse coming every night (to deal with Olivia) its been an amazing help.

its been hard, damn hard, i have had thoughts i never knew i could have, i have been through so many emotions its not funny, and i have put my family and friends through more than they should EVER have to go through. i hate it.

but i just have to keep on going aye.



Chris H said...

Shit a brick girl, you are going through hell!!! I feel for you so much and just pray (and I ain't religious at all) that you can eventually get over this and start to live your beautiful life to the fullest and enjoy your darling wee girls again. I wish I could just pop over and give you the BIGGEST HUG EVER!!! If I ever turn up on your door, look out! I give BIG HUGS !!!

Kate said...

I'm so proud of you! I know you are mostly feeling like crap, but I can still see the real Carla, especially when I'm with you. You're still there, and I know you can get through this.

Like the John Kirwan ad ( ;-) ) 'hang on to hope.. it's really good on the other side'

JustJo said...

Holy crap girl! Not sure what else to say, except I may be miles away, but I'm always here. No matter what! I'm sending all my love chick! XOXOX

Tracy said...

I am so sorry you are going through such hell. I have no idea what it must be like but just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you. You will get through this, you are strong and have a great support network.

Take care - BIG HUGS.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Oh man, that sounds like some scary shit!! I honestly don't know what to say, but hang in there chicky, sounds like you have all the support you need to get through this prick of a time.

I can't remember where this quote originated from (an American president maybe??) but along the lines of... the only well to get through hell is to keep going.

MamaBella said...

Huge hugs to you hun, what a horrible time you are having, I just wish there was some way I could help. Just know that I am thinking of you heaps and sending all my love.

Sandra said...

See what happens when I'm not checking logs for a couple of months!

Carla - kia kaha and big hugs.

Don't blame the friends who have stepped back. Some people don't know what to say or what to do in these situations and I'm sure they still care.

I hope you find some serenity soon!

BTW: LOVE your tattoo. It's absolutely gorgeous.


Crafty Japan said...

Hi Carla,

Sorry I haven't been commenting - am really busy at the moment and will be for the next month or so. Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading though :)

Really hope you find the strength to feel better soon :)

philippa_moore said...

Hi Carla - just dropped in to see how you are and good lord, I wasn't prepared for this! I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through such a hard time - I had no idea.

What a terrifying ordeal that must have been for you. I did something similar a few years ago, just had not had sleep for nights and started bashing my head on the headboard, on the floor, on the nighttable, just so desperate to knock myself out so I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore.....with everything that was going on in my life at the time, it is hardly surprising that I was so miserable and on edge. All I can say from my own experience is that maybe some things in your life need to change. That was certainly what got me out of it anyway.

In the meantime, keep going and take all the support you're offered...I know you will get through this!! One day at a time. Big hugs xoxoxoxoxoxo

Rachel said...

Hi Carla,

Just popped in to see how you are going and to let you know that I am thinking of you.

I hope you are feeling much better.