Saturday, February 10, 2007

Summer Lovin'

Wow its a scorcher here in Auckland! our inside temp gauge is reading 30 outside (in the shade) and 33 inside! thats with all the doors and windows open and the fan going full tit!

You know the poo story from the other day? had another incident the day before yesterday, you think it couldnt get any worse than before? well think again.... nuff said!

Kaylee however, apart from the poo incidents is doing SOOOO well at Toilet Training, she was even dry in her over night nappy this morning! after a 12 hour sleep! we were much impressed!

I have a busy weekend ahead, we are looking after our Neice and Nephew (aged 2 and 4 respectively) for the weekend while their parents are away at a wedding, so its a bit different for them having never stayed away from Mum and Dad before, and its a little bit full on having a couple more kids in the house i tell you! cant say im too keen on having 4 kids myself at any time soon.... dont think i could cope!!! but trying to keep the kids occupied/covered in sunscreen/hats on/drinking water/eating fruit/staying in the shade/not running away is a full time job almost! whew!

When the kids parents arrive back in the morning they are taking Kaylee home with them and Darryl, Olivia and I are off to a wedding in the afternoon/evening, so that should be nice, its in a park, so i hope there will be a fair amount of shade and a little cooler! im sure i will sweat like buggery in whatever i will be wearing though.... its pretty stiffling out there!

still havent sold my car which is a bugger... but the new car we have is now warranted so i can drive that around and we can more actively promote my car for sale.

Now im about to dive into a nice watermelon that is sitting in my fridge.... ohhh yummm!!!


Karen said...

Hope you survive the weekend with 4 kids! It sure does sound like you are going to have your hands full!
Hope the wedding goes well :)

Chris H said...

After waiting so long for summer to arrive, I am not going to complain about the heat! Enjoy all the kids, I know how it feels to have a few! You don't usually just suddenly end up with 4 (or 6) overnight, they usually come one at a time, so you get used to it slowly ! and four from memory, is a piece of cake! 6 under 10 is not !

Rachel said...

Yum watermelon.........

Glad to hear the toilet training is going well (apart from the 2nd incident!), we had success yesterday with Adam (same age as Kaylee) going poos in the toilet for the first time.......YAY!!!

Major celebrations which now means he wants to go poos every 5 minutes....argh!! Getting there:)