Monday, February 05, 2007

2 year olds!!

They are a unique creature are they not? haha

if you have an aversion (is that the right word?) to poo, i suggest you skip a couple of paragraphs!)

Friday saw success with Kaylee doing a poo on the toilet!! Very exciting time it was for us, especially since she did it all by herself without me knowing, she was of course, very proud of herself too.

Today however was another story... picture Mummy walking into Kaylees bedroom to put Kaylee back into bed (she plays up a little at nap time) picture Kaylee sitting there, big grin on her face, no clothes on, no nappy on, room smells funny... Kaylee tells Mummy shes done a poo in her nappy so she took the nappy off... Mummy then sees poos on the carpet, poos on the bed, poos on the wall, poos on the door.... Mummy isnt really too happy... so Mummy runs a bath, puts Kaylee into bath, Mummy rings Daddy to get Daddy to calm Mummy down a bit, tells Mummy that she can do this and be strong, Mummy cleans up bedroom, washes Kaylee, Kaylee escape bath, runs around wet and nudey, Mummy doesnt really care, Mummy is chatting to Kate on the internet, needs to cool down a bit! Mummy comes off the computer, finds dog toys in the toilet, Mummy rescues dog toys, cleans them then throws them outside with the dog, Mummy settles Olivia who is now crying, finds tennis balls in the toilet, rescues, cleans and throws tennis balls outside, back to settle Olivia, now finds toilet rolls in the toilet, ewww plastic bag and rubber gloves come in handy here, Mummy then dresses Kaylee, puts both girls back to bed...

now there is finally silence....

Moral of the story?

Dont do food shopping when you have your period and are all hormonal, hungry and pissed off (last night) because you spend way too much, you forget a lot, and you end up with chocolate, icecream and toffee pops, which i have to say, are all coming in very handy right now. :)


Kate said...

Lol sorry to laugh.. but as you know, been there done that! Little monsters. Just wait until Olivia is crawling.. they can get up to double the mischief.. argh!

*grin* Gotta love those naughty things!

Lee said...

Oh no! That sounds like the stuff nightmares are made of. I wonder why kids find poos so damn fascinating?

Crafty Japan said...

Hehehe...oops, should I laugh?

Chris H said...

Oh man, that brings back memories! I have had poos everywhere you can think of too, imagine it all over the cot rails, set like concrete! In kids hair is one of the worst! Luckily this phase does not last, no kid walked down the aisle with its hands in it's pants playing with it's poos ha haaa ha And never go grocery shopping hungry or grumpy, emotional shopping is as bad as emotional eating, poor you !

Lisa said...

I hear ya!!!

One of my little gems I will never forget: Walk into my girls room - "Doing pickers with poos" comes out of my wee darlings mouth.

The result poos all over the wall paper beside her cot.

Was a wee while ago now - but something I will never forget - great 21st speech me thinks.


Unknown said...

oh no - poohs!! I think chocolate and toffee pops were definately needed - nothing wrong with those on occassion!(and when you have been fishing things out of the toilet all day!)

Leighanne said...

Oh no!!
I remember jason did one in the bath once and was srceaming trying to get out because he thought it was going to 'get him"