Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kia Ora!

im still around! still doing alright! :)

just pretty busy busy, which is good, but tiring but great! Im loving all the social engagements that i have on. and ive been a little ill too, but something very minor, nothing to write home about at all.
ive come to the conclusion that im addicted to sugar, chocolate, lollies, icecreams, BAD refined sugar. so today is day 1 (apart from a hot choc this morning) of no refined sugar.... we shall see how long it lasts, i know that i will have huge withdrawls tonight, but one day at a time, other than the bad sugar though, im eating really well, lots of salads, steamed veggies, grilled meats (love bbq weather!) lots of fruits, yoghurts, smoothies (home made of course), just have to get the sugar under control.

i havent done any scrapbooking in yonks... just not in the mood for it at the moment, when im not in the mood i make mistakes, mistakes cost too much money, we have no money, no room for mistakes :)

ive been sewing a wee bit, but my machine has to go back to Spotlight for them to have a look at it, its skipping stiches and i have tried everything to get it working properly, nothing works, therefor its not me, but the machine. im loving sewing though, especially sewing my own nappies for Olivia, costs around $6 per nappy, rather than $20-$30 per nappy to buy one new.

Kaylee is great, toilet training sux, shes back in nappies for a bit, just not ready i think, we WILL get there! she loves Kindy (daycare) just adores it.
Olivia is great, she sleeps sometimes through the night, usually wakes once a night though, i can handle that, she went through a stage of staying awake, which meant i wasnt sleeping... so hence why im watching what i eat so much more, what i eat affects her, so i have to be careful.

being a mum is cool, being Carla is cool, being a wife is cool, life in general is good.

my car is for sale :( i love my car so much, but right now, we cant afford to keep it, so if you know of anyone wanting a 99 Caldina GTT wagon, send them my way would ya? bargain! haha

im scheming, i have plans... one day at a time, watch this space

i have no idea what i weigh, and i like that... i know im big, but right now that doesnt matter, what matters is me keeping healthy, eating healthy and maintaining my milk supply for Olivia. Every time i "diet" i get depressed, i feel crap, i look crap, i just get blah. im determined not to feel that way this year.
Enjoy the pics, (yes that is Kaylee with foundation on... no it hasnt come out of that top yet...) dont forget to wear your sunscreen lotion.... its burny out there.



Chris H said...

You have years ahead of you having to "share" your makeup, ha ha ha. Olivia is the most divine looking baby! Looks like one of those bubs that you could just squeeze the cheeks of, lol.

Kate said...

Lmao - I was thinking 'what the hell is wrong with Kaylee's face?' - I had to scroll through to the end to see what it was.
I love that photo of Olivia smiling - v cute!

Karen said...

I love the bath photo hun ! I think they are so cool :) Kaylee looks so proud to be Olivia's big sister... you have two amazing girls!
Have a good weekq

Rachel said...

What lovely photo's of your girls, I (like Kate) had to scroll down and find out what was wrong with Kaylee's face.....hahaha

Bugger about having to sell your car, don't worry dude your next one will be even better :)

I also am loving BBQ weather, I could live on salad's (family is sick of them thou) and I am finding some really nice combinations for my salad's to keep them interesting.

Lovely to hear from you, I'm hear everyday seeing if your have posted. I bet those little girls are keeping you busy.

I have also given up on Adam toilet training, he is in pull ups and when it is hot I just put him in undies outside but even THAT doesn't work *sigh* I'm just going to wait until he is ready.

Crafty Japan said...

Beautiful pics...not so sure about the cake-face on Kaylee tho :) I thought she looked sick!! heh

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Thanks for sharing your pics of your lovely girls, although I would suggest a new beautician for Kaylee, that colour is not quite right on her, ha ha.

Happy days.