Friday, January 26, 2007

just cos :)

here is a photo of Olivia at 12 weeks and a photo of Kaylee at apprx 12 weeks
Kaylee has a cold.... so we are just keeping it quiet today, she had a great time yesterday though with Daycare in the morning and then we went to a friends for the afternoon, where we got the baby baths out filled them with bubbles and coloured water, put shaving foam and food colouring on a plastic table and let them go for it, so much fun (and mess!) she is now meant to be eating her lunch, but she is doing "tippee toes" ballet to Barney... i love watching her little mind tick over and her wee thought process happen, cracks me up!
im pretty tired right now, not getting too much sleep as its either Kaylee or Olivia up and down all night, im hoping to eventually get a few nights in a row of good sleeps, would help! but hey, it all comes with being a parent doesnt it, cant really complain too much, just have to be careful.
just had a wee 4 week old come and visit, only 6pds born, so still very little and gorgeous! scary that Olivia used to be that small!
They grow up so fast, cherish every day :)


Carla said...

i promise, i am using correct paragraphs! blogger doesnt seem to be liking spaces between them at the moment, its not me!!! :)

Crafty Japan said...

They're so alike aren't they?? Look just like their mumma...

Get some sleep when you can :)

Karen said...

They sure do look very similar... is it the same dress too?
Hope Kaylee comes right soon and that you are able to get some good sleep soon.
Sending you sleep vibes hun

Leighanne said...

It does look like the same outfit too...they could be twins!!