Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hello Lovelies!!

and a Happy New Years to you all!

things have been trucking along quite nicely here, and i really dont know where to start to be honest! lol but i guess i will start at Christmas day :)

Christmas day was lovely, Kaylee wasnt interested too much in opening presents, she just wanted to play on her new Trampoline (we showed it to her the previous night) but of course her and Olivia were spoilt rotten and ive been trying so hard ever since to find space for the new stuff! lol we only have a little house with no storage! :) it was a lovely day, we opened presents in the morning (my Mum, her partner and my sister were up) and then had a lovely breakfast of pancakes and fruit, then we pottered around home making salads etc and went up to Darryls parents for late lunch/early dinner, HEAPS of food, salads, cold meats, hot veggies, hot meats, and desserts to be proud of! :) was a cool day with the kids having a great time and the adults eating way too much! (we went back on Boxing day and at the leftovers!) Then on Boxing day Mum, Terry and Adele went home taking Kaylee with them and i stayed on up here for a couple more nights, then Olivia and I went down the Thursday before New Years and Darryl joined us on the Saturday, we came back home yesterday after having a lovely time away, shopping and blobbing! very nice indeed.

I was lucky enough to get a new Sewing Machine for Christmas and last night i sewed up my first creation, a skirt for Kaylee, its pretty cute :) i havent used a sewing machine since college, so i had to find my way around it again! like jumping back on a horse really :) so i cant wait to get creating, making my own nappies, wipes, a quilt each for the girls, clothing for the girls and ME! :) heaps of fun!!

i havent made any New Years resolutions as such, i never bloody stick to them, so didnt see a point getting into that! all i want for this year is to stay healthy, raise my beautiful children well, and keep happy, because i think im pretty damn happy right now, its nice, its not until you really are happy that you realise that you really werent happy, im meeting HEAPS of new people whom i am lucky to call friends, every week i meet someone new almost, and its GREAT! im not self conscious anymore about what people think, i let them see ME for who i am, and they like ME and appreciate ME and thats pretty cool i think!

im loving this Summer too, its just great for Kaylee to get out in the sunshine, tomorrow we will set up the paddling pool and the sprinkler for her, so im hoping she will enjoy that!

Kaylee is just great, very determined and stubborn, but we are working through that, she is talking clearer every day and learning more every day too, its great to see her little mind ticking over! we just have to start toilet training her i think, may give it a go tomorrow, i will stay home all day with her and see what happens!

Olivia is great as well, she started sleeping right through the night at mums, but last night being our first night at home she was incredibly unsettled (the car ride does it i think) hopefully tonight she will be back into sleeping right through again. she is growing so fast, 10 weeks old tomorrow! we get amazing grins from her and she coos and gaas away, its so sweet!


Karen said...

Sounds like you have had a great festive season hun... missed your updates (both here and on EBB)!

Okay share your secret re Olivia sleeping through the night PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! LOL (via email is fine) but only if you don't mind of course.

Kate said...

You sound great! So nice to read an update.

Amelia is going on and on at me, everyday "we see kaykee?" - so next week, or whenever, want to go to Jumping Jacks, or for a coffee? or to Mairangi?

Let me know, feel like I haven't talked to you for AGES!

Crafty Japan said...

Glad to hear you had such a nice one with family. Can't wait to see some pictures of the big girl :)

Leighanne said...

Sounds like a great is great to hear that you are so happy:)