Tuesday, November 21, 2006

plodding along

Im slowly finding my way into a routine, hopefully i can get Olivia into a more regular pattern with feeding and sleeping, she seems to feed lately every hour and a half, which is just shitloads! so i have been using the dummy a lot with her to try and drag out the time more and then she gets a longer bigger feed which fills her up for longer (thats the idea anyway!) she is doing pretty well at night still, i think i am lucky there, she only really wakes once or twice a night, depending on what time we all go to bed.

My MW is coming this afternoon so we will see what Olivia weighs, im sure she has put on heaps, shes getting quite chubby!

im feeling terrible today, very nausious, blah, hopefully i will feel better soon, why i think im nausious is because yesterday i DID NOT STOP EATING! OMG i ate and ate and ate like i have never seen food before, i tried to stick to sandwhiches and fruit and cereal, but potato chips, mallowpuffs and icecream got a say too.... i feel so foul today! i was just HUNGRY, however today, i have only just had a bowl of cereal, but i feel so ill im definitely not hungry!

Kaylee is back at Kindy today! yesterday when Darryl dropped her off she barely battered an eyelid, waved him byebye and set about playing, they told me when i went to pick her up that she was quite shy and quiet, (which is very normal for Kaylee anyway, around strangers) but she seemed to enjoy herself, this morning when Darryl dropped her off she went straight to an activity with some other children and waved Darryl byebye and set about to it, no qualms at all about staying there and quite happy for him to leave, YAY!! so i had a lovely lie in this morning with Olivia, Darryl got Kaylee ready and only woke me so i could tie Kaylees hair up (he tried, but couldnt... he needs to practise! haha) so im so happy and so relieved that Kaylee is enjoying Kindy, and i was pretty glad she wasnt here this morning to be honest when i smashed a glass all over the kitchen floor.... it shattered and took forever to clean up! i can imagine a nosey 2 year old making it all the more harder!!

im having a bad hair day... so desperate for a haircut!!


Karen said...

I so know what you mean about a haircut as I am like that too... but do have an appt for Sat morn so am trying to hang in till then but might try to bring it forward! LOL
Glad to hear that things are going ok for you all and yay for a sleep in!
I too am waiting for the MW and have fingers crossed that Rach has gained some weight... it sure feels like she has! :)
Talk soon

Kate said...

Glad the night times aren't tooooo bad for you! Sometimes when you are breast feeding you just do get so hungry, hopefully it settles down for you soon!

Oh hey I was thinking, shall we go to a mums and bubs movie session one day that Kaylee is at kindy? If it's a monday my Mum could have Amelia. Would be fun!! (And I could cross it off my list, haha!). I dont know if they even do them on the days we could be without our 2 year olds. Will look into it!

Rachel said...

How Awesome that Kaylee is enjoying Kindy, it must make you feel good to know she is enjoying herself while you get to just focus on Olivia.

I always get guilty that I am spending too much time with one and not the other, so it is nice when only one is home......no guilt:)

I'm just loving the photo's and Olivia is getting bigger. Can't wait to hear how much weight she has put on. It the one time in your life you WANT to put on weight ay?.......hahaha

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Hey you!
All my comments seem to say the same thing lately - just happy to hear you sounding happier. Now, go to the movies with Kate!

Unknown said...

yay for Kaylee loving Kindy!
Oh and you feeling positive! I hope things continue to improve!

Anonymous said...

Obviously you needed extra food for all that milk you making! And in order to make good milk you have to eat good eh? Don't stress out about it, it is early days to be worrying about what you weight anyway. Enjoy feeding your baby, it doesn't last.

Leighanne said...

Glad things are going great!!