Thursday, November 02, 2006


So excited to get Karens text this morning saying shes on her way to hospital! have been thinking of her all morning and cant wait to hear when her precious wee girl has arrived!!

Things are going really well here (i think so anyway!) Olivia has settled in nicely, had a bit of a rough patch yesterday evening, i didnt know if it was wind, or what it was, she just wanted to suckle on me the whole time, but not actually drink, if that makes sense, and if i pulled her off (because if they dont suck properly it really hurts your nipples!) she would scream! didnt help that Darryls parents were here and everyone was looking at me (i thought anyway!) because i didnt know how to keep her calm! (I had a wee cry when they left with Darryl, i hate hearing my kids cry!) we couldnt bring up any wind, so we put a dummy in her mouth, and wow, silence and she went to sleep! nice! come bedtime though she didnt want to go to bed on her own, so ended up sleeping on me all night, im not a sleep on my back kind of person, so even though i did sleep, it wasnt very well i dont think!

Olivia has been really good with her sleeping at night though, apart from not wanting to go in her own bed (can you blame her really? i mean she has been inside me all this time and then to be suddenly seperated, must be hard!) we tend to go to bed at 10.30pm-11pm and she wakes again around 2.30am-3.30am ish, and then sleeps through until around 7-8am, which is quite nice we thought! so really its only waking once in the night for her to feed and then sleep again! i can handle that!

Feeding is going really well too, she is latching almost first time every time, which i have just found such a great boost for my self-esteem, Kaylee never breastfed properly, never latched properly, never sucked properly, (as a result my milk never came in properly because she didnt suck enough to bring it on and she lost a lot of weight) Darryl and i would be up for hours in the night sitting there with her trying to get her on the boob, she would latch, and then a few seconds later come off, it was tiring, devestating, hard on all of us, contributed greatly to my state of mind (aka failure!) and post natal depression was a resulting factor (not just solely the breastfeeding though, other things too contributed to that i think) so i just love the fact that i can feed my baby, and feed her well this time!

i do know that its only early days, wow, can you believe that already Olivia will be a week old tomorrow!!!!!!!!

My mum has been staying since Sunday, its been SO nice, ive had awsome help, she has cooked, cleaned, done washing, dishes, entertained Kaylee, i have NO idea how im going to cope when she has gone! i will proberly be a mess by 5pm today! and i expect to have takeaways for dinner (yummm sushi, subway!) for tonight, tomorrow night and proberly Monday and Tuesday too! im looking foward to the weekend and for Darryl to be home with me, but unfortunatly because of the way work has been over the past month we dont have the luxury of him taking a week off work like we had planned :( im sure that just by taking things one step at a time, we will be fine though!


Crafty Japan said...

Ehhhh??? Karen's on her way to the hospital??? Ohhhh, I knew I would be last :(

Come on baby...come on baby...come out already!!

Chris H said...

Sounds like you are doing a great job Carla, and Olivia sounds like a dream baby! Isn't it neat about Karen's bub! So many babies coming into the world in blogland!

Leighanne said...

You are doing great!!
I had trouble breastfeeding Jason - but Luke was much easier:)