Saturday, November 11, 2006

Just Stuff

Wow, its a little bit different having 2 children, compared to having 1! i didnt make it out to Playgroup the other day, as much as i wanted to, there were a few nights where i was getting 2-4 hours sleep tops, and i was exhausted, devestated, buggered, stuffed, tired! lol you name it! i couldnt function properly at all and had several meltdowns! its amazing what a few extra hours sleep does though, the last couple of nights have been really good with Olivia only waking 1 or 2 times, last night was fantastic as i got 5 hours in a row, bliss!!

But i did have my first ever outing yesterday with the 2 girls on my own! i was going stir crazy at home, just felt so cooped up and didnt know if i could handle Kaylee and Olivia all by myself, so i texted Kate, and said "wanna meet for coffee!" i was SO glad she wasnt busy and i got to have adult conversation for a couple of hours!! i must however make the effort this week to go and get the skateboard attachment for the back of my buggy for Kaylee to stand on, it was ordered back at the end of August/start September and has only JUST arrived! it will make going out so much easier, as walking with a 2 year old walking is pretty slow going! (and a bit funny, she likes to walk on her own - big girl you know - and she is so random with her direction, tends to not watch where she is going!) haha i rang Darryl on the way home from the mall, so pleased with myself, lol, i did it! and it wasnt THAT hard! (i had myself a bit worked up about it!)

Olivia is doing really well, she was weighed back on Wednesday and at 12 days old was now 10g OVER her birth weight, with a gain of 150g in 5 days! i was so proud of myself for that one! i had HUGE feeding problems with Kaylee and was made to feel like the worlds worst, and this time things are going so right! but im secretly a bit sad, i want my wee bubba to stay wee for a while longer yet!!! *sobs* i just love the first few weeks, even though you are getting everything established and everything working right and your lacking so much in sleep, there is just something so special about a newborn baby, you can see their personality developing, their eyes focusing, and they are so dependant on you and only you, i just love it :)

My nipples hurt like hell today though! (just sharing! haha) they arent grazed or cracked or anything, they look fine, just overuse i think, i spent SO much of yesterday feeding Olivia, it would seem like i would just finish feeding and half an hour later she would want more! owwww! hence the 5 hour stint of sleeping last night i think, i do feel a little tied down, and really sorry for Kaylee when she needs me and i just cant do anything because im feeding Olivia, but all these little things will get ironed out, and every day seems a bit easier! its been a huge learning curve for me though!

Im so craving a Dennys Spicy Chicken Salad right now, yummmmmm

Darryls Mo is growing quite nicely, hes pretty proud of it, i still think its butt ugly!! ah well, as long as it gets shaved off by the end of the month im happy!

will try to get some more photos up real soon


Chris H said...

You are doing great Carla, it won't be long before you get used to having 2.... I had 4 in 4 years, that was interesting! I don't recommend it tho!

Kate said...

Yep, i agree - you are doing great! I'm really enjoying the fact that our babies aren't exactly the same age this time - especially cos I get to see tiny little Olivia, and get all clucky!

It is SO different with 2. Someone said it's not twice as hard, more like 3 times as hard, and some days I'd have to agree with that. It's fun.. but crazy!

Now that you've ventured out and survived, let's do it more often. I love getting out there and seeing other people with kids, it makes me feel so much better to know I'm not the only tired person out there trying to deal with a crying baby and two year old tantrums!