Thursday, September 27, 2007

its been a month

since i last posted, so much has happened, but then not much has happened.

the PND hasnt gone away, it hasnt got any better, but it hasnt got any worse, its frustrating that it is no better, but then a bit of a relief that it is no worse.

last week the drs thought it best that i went into hospital for a while, i agreed, Darryl agreed, so off to hospital we went, however on arrival it became apparent that really, it wasnt the best place for me, the people werent like me (mostly severelly mentally ill) and i just felt uncomfortable there, so i went home again, now the plan is to try some new drugs and go from there, i start the new drugs tomorrow (after a couple of days of having no pills to detox my system a wee bit) and hopefully they will help my mood lift.

My mother is up staying for this week and next, but is going home tomorrow for a few days, taking both Kaylee and Olivia with her, which will be nice for Darryl and I to have some childfree time, as much as we will miss them both, it will be a relief for a wee break, its been a nice break having mum here, she cooks, cleans, washes, its great not having to do anything!

anyway, thats all from me for now, i hope to be back soon with some better news :)

much love



Tracy said...

Hey Carla, I check every day to see if you have updated to see how you are. I cannot begin to imagine what this is like for you but it sounds like your family & medical team are fantastic & I am sure all will be fine.

Keep strong.

Karen said...

*hugs* hun! Will keep my fingers crossed that the new meds help you! And I hope you and Darryl enjoy your few child free days to have some amazing quality time for just the two of you!

Lots of love xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Just a lurker who somehow found your blog...I too suffered from PND..before children I was a very'normal' primary teacher, had always loved kids etc. Anyway, I was hospitalised after both mine. Very fortunately in Christchurch where I live, there is a very amazing Mothers and Babies ward which takes severe cases. Everyone there has babies under 1 who stay with them, and there is lots of support/counselling etc.
I was in for a month each time. I so wish there was a ward like this in every city. It was amazing.
Thinking of you!!! With the right support and medication, it does get better. Promise!!!

Tania said...

I too check regularly to see if you've updated! I'm glad things haven't gotten any worse for you, I hope that in time things do get better. Thinking of you.