Tuesday, March 20, 2007

:) thanks

thought i would do a quick update :)

nothing much has changed on the sleeping front, im very lucky if i get 3 (straight) hours, last night was 2 hours of very broken sleep, the rest was just sitting up awake, its not nice, but im working through it and taking on heaps of your lovely ideas, as well as other ideas from friends and family.

im definitely not giving up breastfeeding, just thought i would clarify :) i have wayyyy too much milk for that! lol im just trying to get Olivia used to the formula so that Darryl can feed her at night, and i can sleep in the spare room for a bit, but shes not taking the formula at all, lol would much prefer the boobie juice! but we are working on it :)

so yes still very tired, still loosing the plot a bit, still trying very hard, the teethies are JUST under the surface, so once they cut through i am hoping she gets better fast, otherwise its straight to the dr to see what else may be going on!

thanks again :) its really lovely to have friends like you



Chris H said...

The only good thing about baby teething is if they don't teethe on your boobs! I hope your wee girl isn't doing that too.

Rachel said...

Come on those teeth!! I am sending positive vibes that those teeth come through quickly for Olivia and you sakes.

Keep going with the formula, she'll get use to it. Maybe try giving her half bottle, half boob each feed until she takes it? A pain I know but the more she has it, the more she will get use to it.

The spare room sounds lovely, I don't know about Kaylee but Adam still comes into our bed at about 4 or 5am in the morning.