Thursday, March 29, 2007

1/4 life crisis

you know how some people have a mid life crisis? im having it early, lol

im on a mission to find myself again, find the beautiful, attractive person that i know is there, find hobbys that are just about ME, do what I want to do, because if i dont, when i get old, will i have regrets? i dont want regrets in my life, i want to LIVE.

i always told myself that once i had kids they would work around me, they would be my priority sure, but i would not lose myself.

well i have lost myself

and i need to find ME again

so here is what i am going to do

im getting a Tattoo, not yet, but soon, i have always wanted one, but peoples opinions have put me off, fuck em, its my body, its my skin, its what i want, its going to happen.

im taking guitar lessons, starting next Monday night. i used to play the guitar when i was a kid, i got really good, but now, sadly, i let it all go. im a very musical person, i love nothing more than relaxing to a good cd, or dancing, or singing (not very well but who cares) i used to play the keyboard too, so once im sussed with the guitar i will start back on keyboards again.

im looking into doing a night school class, maybe try and get into web design, or something similar.

im doing some work for the business and eventually will pick up more, maybe even have an office job in the future. we dont really know there yet.

im finding myself again, and im going to enjoy myself again.


Tracy said...

Good on you. I have recently stared doing a similar thing. I realised after a huge fight with my husband that I am fed up with everything I do revolving around him & the kids, plus I work full time. I will not bore you with all the details but I have joined a gym & not a crappy cheap YMCA but a "nice" gym, I have acceped invitations out & I do not feel guilty, in fact I am starting to feel I might actually be a bit interesting. You know if someone asks what hobbies or interests you have - I really did nothing!!! Not any more!!! It is good for the kids to see you getting out & doing stuff too, it will encourage them in later life to pusue interests.

Kate said...

I'm very proud of you!!


Chris H said...

Well good for you, you have a right to be happy doing something for yourself! I got a tattoo a while back too, like when I got to goal it was one of the things I wanted to do.. good luck choosing a design... it took me about 6 months and now I want another one! Just can't think where? Have a wonderful weekend.

Karen said...

Well done hun! I too am proud of you for putting yourself first.
I so need to do that too so might just follow your lead...
Have a good week

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

I had no idea you were musical, cool! My brother has some good contacts if you're buying instruments or looking for a tutor, might be able to get you a nice discount ;-)

Sandra said...

Forget what other people say about your desires - it's your life and you need to make yourself happy. I know what you eman about tattoos. I've got 3. People are often surprised when they notice them but I have never regretted havign them. I'm over the tattoo obsession now and don't plan any others but I would never hide the ones I have.